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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Oh christ, then we would see 100's of threads about him touting Pitts players!!!! :-(
  2. While different circumstance, kind of reminds me of the Clarke / Hitchcock thing.
  3. Two points: 1) its rare that a replacement is immediately selected / announced (think Van, etc.). 2) There is some urgency because of the draft (or perhaps Lemieux etc. handle that). Yet, if I am their new GM, I want my footprint on the team moving forward and an integral part of that is the draft.
  4. I have been preaching that for months. There is another thread (w/in days) that I espouse on that topic.
  5. In all fairness (and Polaris / B21 could weigh in better than I), their farm team is pretty good and has been for a few years (certainly much better than the Phantoms). In that vein, should we fire Homer because our farm team sucks worse (much) than Pitts?? Rhetorical question of course.
  6. In all fairness, the two guys that post the most here from Pens (B21 / Polaris) both were adamant about his demise (but Blysma first). You can't count the country bunkins with no teeth thinking Shero is great. They would think a piece of bubble gum stuck under a table at a pizza parlor was great.
  7. I don't really get the not firing Blysma thing. Shite always rolls down hill. This is a pretty good read bye Kevin Weekes (on NHL.com no less): //www.nhl.com/ice/blogpost.htm?id=29436&navid=DL|NHL|home
  8. If I am president / owner, this would be a guy I would seriously look at.
  9. I did not think it was possible for Sydney to look more masculine than another man.
  10. I am late to the party on this one, but how do you fire the GM and not the coach as well?? How many pictures of Lemieux does Blysma have in inappropriate situations. This is mind boggling to me.
  11. There was a day not long ago that I was drooling over him being in a O&B sweater. But I don't care how good you are if you are a punk. I don't have a son, but I have a daughter that loves ice hockey and how can I have her watch an a-hole like that? All you need to know about him and his actions is what the local scribe wrote about him (which is far more intellectual than all the philly flyers beat writers): http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2014/05/15/real-black-eye-for-black-and-gold/TLvZp14ycBxVK2WdOgdTcJ/story.html
  12. Well, living in Pittsburgh has certainly have to be better than living in Detroit (sorry Jammer). Joking aside, if I am Babcock- other than wanting a change of scenery, why go anywhere else? He is carte blanche there and I think to a man (and woman) on this board, we have to agree that the ownership / scouting etc. is top notch there.
  13. I agree with that as well re: sather. There are two moves that just keep me scratching my head: The Nash trade and the St Louis trade. Both of those players were much better for their former teams. I will bash Nash more as I think that St Louis was more of a square peg into a round whole kind of trade. Its interesting to me that the OP did not bash nash at all. I am not a Rangers fan and I bash him all day long, 7 days a week and twice on sunday. If I was a rangers fan, I would be driving around town in dark tinted windows (joking).
  14. First, welcome. Second why do you want to blow up the Rangers? I could understand a post coming from a Pens fan (snickers: sorry polaris / b21 and that Jack Nicholson guy). But your team is in the conference finals. I hate their style of play, but will admit that they are skilled and well coached. Perhaps you should repost your comments prior to the NHL draft. :-) I am joking of course.
  15. Funny. We need to get a winger to bail out our bad signing. (I should add sad). Seriously, we need a LW and we could do much worse than him. We used to have a LW wing. What was his name? Its similar to an old TV show actor and has dyke in it.
  16. I like him. Not sure I would say coming out party since he did nearly the identical thing 4 years ago with the 'canes. For me, while not "mr clutch briere", he is a gamer in the playoffs. He is a .5 ppg player in the regular season. Not sure if that merits top line status / minutes / salary. The Flyers could certainly do worse. The big problem with him, is he is injury prone. When healthy, a very good player, but he is often injured.
  17. Effing punk. The hand shake is a ritual of the sport. Cry in your beer later, but show respect to the team that beat you. I can't stand him. I used to think I would love him in O&B. Yet regardless of his skill / talent, I don't want an Ahole like that anywhere around my team.
  18. I sort of agree. Truthfully, he plays like a winger that is in the d-position. But I also think that about Karlson as well. That extra ice space gives them room to get the wheels going. The difference is that Subban can actually play some d. Karlson to me is a complete glorified winger playing the d position. At the end of the day, I would have ZERO problem having Subban on my team. He chews up big minutes, is not a liability and is excellent at qb'ing the PP.
  19. Go Kings!!! (I am only rooting for them because Kopitar is on my fantasy team). :-) Nobody is going to beat Chicago out of the West. They are resting / healing now and there is still another game to be played Anh-LAK.
  20. Fixed it for you. Funny how you love everything Sabres but don't like Briere.
  21. i always root for the underdog. i am hoping Habs pull it out. To you post, I just don't like Rangers style. Its very devil-esque. kudos if you can do it (which they have in two series), but it just not get my juices flowing.
  22. Price is going to blank them. Truthfully, everyone had penciled the Bears in for the cup finals, with exception to the habitants. Its going to be a bummer day in Bean town.
  23. Used to love the player. But watching him play, with his talent, just sickens me. I guess the NY P u s s y it just too much for him to handle. The counterside is that I love how the players that Columbus received in that trade play. Rick Nash trade winner / loser: Not even a question> Columbus.
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