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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. You do know that Ryan Millers primary home is in Lansing Michigan and his secondary home is in Southern California? You also know that he sold his town home that he stayed at during the season when playing for the Sabres, right? If so, I guess you are alluding that Miller is going to go play for the Redwings (not sure what that means for Howard).
  2. This sounds like the haves and haves not. St Louis is the 17th largest populated metropolitan region in the US. Since the Rangers were mentioned, The Rangers sold 400 more tickets this past season than the Blues. Yet the valuation of the Blues (based on Forbes) sits nearly dead last in the NHL (29th). That is all about executive management away from the product on the ice (corporate boxes, ad revenue, subsidiary revenue > parking, concessions etc.). I did not look at the debt for the blues, but they certainly have the population to sustain quite nicely (market / tv revenue along with attendance).
  3. I like Vanek, but think he is a marshmellow when the heat is turned up. Thats just what the Pens DON'T need.
  4. That trade was mind boggling all the way through (and to all your points). For no other reason, the contract. That said, WTF happened to Gomez. I really liked him with the Devils. He was ho-hum on the rangers and then a disaster in montreal. How does a skilled player just crash away like that??
  5. truthfully, I would do the trade based on a future conditional pick (You know those secret picks that just says- "we have to show we got something in return, but don't care what it is"?).
  6. Interesting and fair points across the board. I was being a bit tongue in cheek on the trade thing. Business is business and truthfully it irks me that doing an offer sheet is such taboo. Had nashville not matched the Flyers offer (havent looked at the compensation in a while), it would have been a boat load of picks going back to nashville (based on the salary). Something like 4 number ones a number 2 and a third sprinkled in there somewhere. Point being, you really can't have sour grapes for operating within the rules. Its not like the Flyers were trying to poach Weber for nothing. It would have come at a significant cost on the Flyers future.
  7. Thanks, I have a good rum to share as well. Do you mind if DGG sits at the table with us? :-)
  8. And the thing that we all need to keep in mind is that we signed him as a UFA. So we are not losing any assets by trying to move him. Its okay if the shoe does not fit. I would like to think as you and others have pointed out that he feels the same. Hist contract is signed and is not exorbitant. His career was in Tampa. Nashville is VERY close to there (not sure where he calls home). Some have suggested Tampa as a return. While business is business, I doubt he would want to return there (but truthfully, I would if I was him). He can still play second fiddle there. On Nashville, he could play first fiddle. I guess it just depends on ego.
  9. True! I will throw in the 2 cats and 2 dogs to sweaten the deal! :-P Seriously, I love my wife, but man at times I swear Lucifer has possessed her (and I am not talking about her monthly visitor).
  10. DGG and I are the Rum connoisseurs. But if MC has a nice single malt scotch, I am in.
  11. Also, while Poile and Homer were good trade partners, I don't think Nashville is looking to throw a single chicken bone the Flyers way after the Weber offer sheet (which I think is a fine thing to do, but there is not longer going to be much back scratching).
  12. VLC is atrocious in the faceoff circle. Leadership, maybe, but hard to be a leader when you coast around half the game.
  13. Is TheMaker your pseudonym and is Ken Hitchcock your source? (sorry, couldn't resist) :-)
  14. Thats funny. I would trade him for a bag of pucks. Thus, I can not believe the rumor. In all honesty, VLC really makes sense for Nashville with Lavy as the coach. Its a style he can fit in quite nicely and he helps partially fill a gaping hole they have.
  15. This is just completely idiotic to me. Do you even know what the players and Bruins organization did in the wake of that tragedy? Rarely do I get irked by another post, but this one is so moronic and disrespectful that my temper is high. I think Lucic is a punk, but I don't call him out for the chest thump thing and I think its atrocious to call out the Bruins organization regarding the tragedy for that.
  16. Are you kidding me? You take more offense to that than disrespect in the hand shake. I don't really care you don't want to shake hands. You don't want, just go to the dressing room. But if you are going to get in line, shake every players hand. On the chest thumping, have you ever seen Tiger William goal celebration where he rides his stick like a horse and pretends to whip it? At the end of the day, its entertainment and if a player is ecstatic for scoring a goal, its fine for me- as long as it is not engaging / taunting an opposition player (ie unsportsmanlike). BTW, Wolf of Wall Street is a great movie. The fact it is fiction (to the degree that a movie can be), is even more compelling on revealing human nature, brilliance, and excess all in one. Its rare in a movie season that not one, but TWO movies come out that are factually based and stunning movies (the other one being the Matthew Mchonahey -sp) movie.
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