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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Um, how do we know that Panthers will have the 1st overall?? The lottery is still in play, correct? I get your pun, but in reality, the Flyers could trade Coburn, Schenns, 17th pick, for a hope of the #1 overall pick (see Kane / JVR)? puff, pass, puff
  2. "There will be no Manhattan revival, no parade down Broadway, no King with a Cup." Beg to differ on that last point. :-)
  3. My question would be is the demographic based on proper jurisdiction or suburbia included? I would venture that there are allot more flyers fans in suburbia v. Philly proper. Truthfully, just by seeing this board and comments, I think the majority of Flyers fans checked out.
  4. HockeyJunkie has 9.2 million homes?? I will have to stop teasing him!
  5. I actually really like that feature. Saves me allot of typing at times. :0
  6. Say what you want about wife beater Roy, but he had a stellar juniors coaching resume'. Point being he did not come without credentials (bruises on fists included).
  7. Truthfully, I would not look at a coaches playing career to judge his coaching abilities. Point in hand: Berube and Ruff. Both those guys have room to improve, but who ever thought that Berube would be coaching material after spending his career primarily as a pugilists?
  8. Why crawford? What has he done since his days in Colorado??
  9. I would take him. I think Babcock is the best coach in the NHL. If any of his talent has gleamed to Peters, its a done deal. Stevens (bake a cake) can not be discounted either.
  10. Why are you scolding me. Its his agent who said that- not me! :-P
  11. Kronwall would probably be my choice too, but he is getting long on the tooth. Yandle would probably be the guy I would take, thought he did lay down an astonishing -23 this past season on a defense oriented Coyotes team. I will just write that off as an anomaly as he had not performed that way prior in his career.
  12. Thanks for playing. And therein lies the problem. All those players I listed are comparable s to coburn cap wise. Grass is always greener.
  13. You mean like the Flyers - Islanders Leon Stickle call? :-)
  14. I did not see the first call you mentioned in game 2, but the game 5 tripping was just atrocious to me. I think I am in the minority because most "in game" chatters thought it was "incidental". The dman (kings) clearly stuck his leg out to impede progress of a non-puck carrying ranger. It actually could have been a double minor in my mind. All I can say is that the rangers did not quit. I was rooting for them because of Henrique (though I would have spit up in my mouth a bit to see that worthless millionaire Nash carry the cup). .
  15. Thanks TFG. Mothers day: Japanese sushi buffet ocean side resort with romance band etc Fathers day: Deluxe NY style pizza AND 3 hours uninterrupted in the man cave!~ (well, if you count my daughter pounding on the door and me opening it every 10 minutes as uninterrupted!~ ha ha). Love my wife and my daughter. :-)
  16. I will drive him in my refurbished Lumina (we will have halibut and buffalo wings for snacks on the trip).
  17. No smoke here. Mountain out of a mole hill.
  18. Funny stuff and perhaps the all time worst signing by Buffalo ever. Leino's agent: ""Free agency starts first of July, and we'll go from there," Leino's agent, Markus Lehto, told the Buffalo News, adding Leino was not surprised by the buyout. "His priority is to play in the NHL. He knows he's a very good NHL player. Obviously, the past two seasons have been just average, I would say, but I'm not going to go and try and analyze what happened. I mean, we'll just look forward."" = christ I hope I can make a dime off this dead beat before he goes to the KHL.
  19. My bad. Had P. kane in my brain. puff, puff, pass.
  20. On which planet is Kane a LW??? Wrong, wrong, wrong.
  21. Well.....if he has some primeau vodka, I would not snicker.
  22. If you had your druthers, who would you choose from this list: P. Martin A. Edler S. Gonchar Z. Bogasian N. Kronwall D. Wiideman L. Visnovsky K. Yandle J. Boumeister ???
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