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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. @Polaris922 I think you are selling Jordan Staal way short. For starters, he has been hampered by injuries the past couple of years. I like Staal and think he is good value at 4M. He has played third fiddle on the Pens because Crosby and Malkin. Third fiddle only in the sense that he gets third line line mates, yet he still plays 20 minutes a night and has for several years. He plays in all game situations and is a centerman. Staal would be a #2 center on any other team than Pittsburgh. He is a .8 ppg player and extremely defensively responsible. Not selke level as you said, but certainly one of the top two-way centermen in the league. I thought he was the best pittsburgh player the last 3 games in the playoffs against the Flyers. I would absolutely love him in O&B, yet we are pretty stocked at Center for the next several years. The biggest thing is that Pittsburgh needs to figure out what they are going to do with their center situation. You have Crosby and Staal signed for only one more season and Malkin for two. Truthfully, if I am king of the world in Pittsburgh, I keep Staal and Malkin and move Crosby. I say that because I think that is the best value option. I think you can re-sign Staal for near about what he is making now (4M) and the return you would get for Crosby would be significant. Yet, Crosby has a NMC, so that might be difficult. On the Edmonton rumor, that is just insane. For starters, Edmonton is pretty stacked at Center with Horcoff, Nugent-Hopkins, Belanger and Gagne. Secondly and more importantly, Staal for the #1 pick (Yakupov) is not equitable in any fashion. Yakupov makes Hemsky expendable.
  2. @doom88 "Maybe Hartley just needed to get away. Between a player death, attempting to coach a young Kovalchuk, and hockey in Atlanta...could you really blame him?" Valid points. I am just cynical and always suspect.
  3. @sarsippius "Really, Drew Doughty was 10 times as 'unprofesional' when he got called for interference and chased after the ref, yelling and banging his stick on the ice. Why no official admonishment for him? Honesty some of the tools running this league are an absolute joke." Totally agree and he should have definitely got an unsportsmanlike additional minor. However, the initial interference call was complete BS IMO, yet that does not give one the right to act like a complete jackass. I do find it humorous how Coyotes want to say none of the calls went their way. PP in OT on a marginal call?? Try scoring a PP game wining goal or STFU. Browns hit on Rozsival was not knee to knee. It was however and intentional elbow to the head. Why the Refs don't get together with the linesman and have a pow wow on "what did you see" is beyond me. I am not sure if they would have caught that as it happened so fast and was very sly. I only caught it on the replay and only from one of the camera angles and after watching it for about the 10th time.
  4. @JackStraw Wow. Talk about a witch hunt (especially that first "writer").
  5. @AlaskaFlyerFan "But right now, all I have to judge him on are those stats and I'm not impressed. Maybe he plays better than the picture his stats paint." So you have not watched him play and judge him on ppg and pims?? Really?? Not trying to be a hard ass, but it seems a bit absurd to make any kind of judgment call based on that- imho.
  6. @AlaskaFlyerFan "Blocked shots, hits, giveaways / takeaways, and time on ice stats are not available for AHL players. Not all AHL teams keep track of those (+/- is available, Kessel was minus -1). Adirondack doesn't come down to SATX to play so I didn't see him play. I couldn't tell you how he looks in break outs or passing. Just looking at the stats that are available, I'm not impressed." Correct on the stats availability for the AHL (you would think that the leagues [nhl / ahl] could piggy back technology). The stats you cited were points and pims. Please tell me you do not judge a player based on those alone- particularly a defensemen!! I ended my post by saying lets at least watch him play. Can we do that? At least recall the bus that you drove him under.
  7. @Polaris922 "Clutch + Grab = Suck" Add into it that obstruction / interference seems to have gone by the wayside as well. I just don't understand it. I know its an extremely difficult job to be a ref / linesmen, but to have things revert so easily seems weird to me. I mean it is the one step forward, four steps backward thing. The thing that confuses me is that Refs / Linesman should have a white board that says, here are our priorities to watch for. I am being totally tongue in check because you shouldn't need a effing white board. I am not a member of TSN.ca, but I might just have to join to e-mail Kerry Fraser on this so he posts an article. It is absolutely ridiculous how easy the "rules" change. I don't care if how they call a game changes year to year, but to change game to game and on a time stamp is absurd. Its like there is a white board in the refs / linesman room. Tonight here are out top three things we are going to watch / call for.
  8. @Polaris922, @all "Two very different players I guess in my eyes. I don't know that the Hawks are too worried about his rap sheet. He's young and too skilled for them to trash him over it. One dimensional perhaps, but it's a very good dimension. I don't argue JVR could become a great power forward, but that's been said of many players, and most don't live up to that potential. We'll all be watching I think..." I agree on two very different type of players comment. Kane is skilled for sure and CAN be a game changer. But do you like him 6.3m worth?? I would take Richards OR Carter over him (salary wise to production / hockey player). JVR is moving into his payday as a pro player next season. I think he is going to be out to prove everyone wrong. Power forwards do take time. I think most of the lament / criticism of the Flyer fan base is the presumed assumption that he does not have "fire" or "heart". The same was said of Carter, but that game 5 I watched the other night, I thought he was one of the best players on the ice. Jeff Carter is now 27. JVR is 23. This has to be his year to blossom. People often forget that chemistry is everything in hockey. I would love to see the JVR-Schenn-Simmonds line reunited as they had great chemistry AND energy when they played together. Lastly, JVR is set to make 4.25m this year. In his career thus far he has averaged .55 points per game. Hartnell has averaged .64 ppg (elevated because of his career year) in his tenure with the Flyers and makes the same as JVR. I guess my point is that people just need to let off the gas a bit. If JVR can be a cornerstone to a STUD dman, ok. Otherwise, let the kid get healthy, stronger, confident and play.
  9. @Polaris922 Fair enough. Your piquing comment came subsequent to your Quick assessment. I re-read it and in whole it is as you say. My bad.
  10. @, @canoli I did not know that about the salary portion of waiver exemption. I always knew what the 2-way / 1-way contact was (same as Canoli). Where did you find what the $amount is for the exemption? As and aside, in doing some research on this, I also learned a little tidbit I never knew before regarding re-entry claims. When a waiver eligible player is sent down and not claimed and subsequently recalled and claimed by another team, the originating team is liable for 50% of the cap hit. However, if the latter team that claimed him, waives said player, the originating and acquiring team are both off the hook entirely for the cap hit. I say this because that could introduce some behind the doors hand shake deals. For example, the Flyers could waive Chris Pronger and St Louis could claim him. Then St Louis could waive him. The Flyers are OFF the hook for his salary (as is St Louis obviously). Interesting!! p.s. Are you Aziz?? If so, you are being accused on Silly.com as being special K.
  11. @blocker "I've changed my opinion of Torterella also. I think he's just as much of an ass as ever, but his players seem to tolerate him well." Hi Blocker- I guess the question is how long does that last. He certainly protects his players outwardly. I guess what I wonder is it a "keenan" type thing where it can only go 1-3 years max or can he have longevity with a single organization? None the less, I have come to sort of admire his brand if for no other reason then he does it his way, hell be damned. I think Lavi does too, but Lavi has significantly more out facing polish. I put this on another thread yet I will repeat it here. I would like to see Lavi have more flexibility in making in game adjustments. You don't need to throw the baby out with the bath water, but you need to recognize what the opposition is doing and make adjustments real time. That is what impresses me with Torts. Maybe it is unfair, because they play a defense first oriented system and adjustments are easier in that style, but still. Good to see you post here. Hope the grandkids are doing well.
  12. @Spinorama " I'd like the league change their approach and not take into consideration what the refs called or whatever. If it's a nasty play,then they should review it on it's own merits after the game. " Two points on this: 1) The league are the ones that employ the Refs / Linesman. So to "independently" (ie. without provocation by media / fan uproar) review would be a disservice to the integrity of the league and their appointments of aforementioned staff they employ. Doesn't make it right, but it is the reality. 2) Since the days of "mr video" (RIP), teams "send" in tapes of plays that they believe flagrant and erroneously called / not called. In the end, how much of that falls on deaf "ears" just to save face??
  13. @flyercanuck I guess so. But why do it to begin with? It feels like a notch on the bed post to me.
  14. @mojo1917 Ok, I am just reading impaired then because I thought you were referring to KANE needing to use his size more. If you are referring to JVR, I totally agree and think allot of it has to do with his confidence. I also believe that JVR has a Nash body type vs. a Carter body type. Meaning that Nash is 6'4 and 220 (when he is not eating donuts) and Carter is 6'3 and 200lbs soaking wet. You put 10-12 lbs of muscle on JVR and retain the speed, he will be a monster. That confidence to overpower 90% of the league will go a long way.
  15. @mojo1917 I have a few points on this. 1) The hit was not knee on knee. Browns knee hit the upper inner thigh of Rozsival. Unfortunately, Rozsivals leg was locked, but it was not a knee on knee. It was a knee on thigh. 2) Brown was GLIDING into the Rozsival. Not a single step or skate movement was made for over 8 feet. 3) See if you can even think the word one let alone say it before you hear the offside whistle blow. 4) A penalty should have been called and it probably should have been a 5 min major AND a game misconduct, but NOT for the the "knee" load of crap everyone says. It should of been for the the INTENTIONAL elbow to the head by Brown to Rozsival!
  16. @Irishjim No problem. Take this with a grain of salt and remember that I am running on minimal sleep, if you post all these articles, why not take a position? I have seen you in live game chats and you obviously know the game (but certainly not rum like DGG and I do). Why not make a stand and add an editorial comment?
  17. @idahophilly "This is one of the rare times I'll agree with Pierre. However, Tort's pressers are hilarious. He makes an a-ss of himself most of the time but they are entertaining. I think it reflects poorly on the orginazation from the stick boy to the owners and league but hey, WTF. Reporters can be terrible to deal with and ask stupid questions but don't hold a press conference if you don't want to answer questions. As far a Pierre hitting the mute button between the benches and not saying what he heard, kudo's...." I used to hate Torterella. I thought he was a wannabe (even after the ring which I felt was gifted). But over time I have come to appreciate his brand / style. Mostly because he is not stupid and quite smart. Does he have savvy no. But he has more smarm than even @ruxpin could muster. I love Lavi as the coach for the Flyers. Yet I watched Torts in multiple games this year make in game changes that gave them the "W" (not only against the Flyers). I have to respect that and I have to respect a man that does not give a flying "F" what the status quo is or what others think. Lastly, while he seems like the biggest pompous ass, his players love him because it is not about the name on the back, but the crest on the front. Though he is not in the same league as Herb Brooks or Scotty Bowman, he certainly is of the same ilk / cloth. He does it his way and his way only.
  18. @mojo1917 It's still flying over my head. But if you are meaning you were using sarcasm, then I get it. :-) Stupid is as stupid does (me) Cheers! :-)
  19. @mojo1917 Yes he was, but has zero culpability in that. I mean maybe the guy needed a break. Who knows. But to be out of ANY hockey coaching position for 5 years says something- especially when his NEXT coaching job is a Swiss pro team (nothing against the swiss or pro hockey there). I mean really?? Crap, he has to be certainly better than what Columbus has! He has a ring for xxxxx sakes!
  20. @Irishjim This guys shtick is repetitive. You have posted a couple of his articles where he posts on different sites. Do you like what he writes? Agree / disagree with what he writes? Just kind of wondering. While I won't make excuses for the Flyers loss to the Devils, but to say "the 18 skaters" did not show up makes me laugh. The Devils are about to eliminate the Rangers (whom NOBODY here thought that the Flyers could beat) by 1 more win than the Flyers had against them. The certainly the Flyers could have acquitted themselves better, but to say the Flyers "laid" down or some other load of horse manure is just ignorant. We were outplayed and outcoached. Nothing more and nothing less. I guess back to his initial rant. It is May 22nd. NOTHING happens of significance until after the SC is won. Teams can not make trades during the playoffs. The ONLY thing they can do is sign either players they have rights to or unsigned players. That is all. I find his writing tedious, circular and not very well informed. Fan, for sure. Articulate and intelligent, not so much. Of course the same could very easily be said of me, yet I don't boast "associate editor", "law degree", etc. P.S. Don't take the above personally. I am in a crappy mood because @flyerrod won't argue with me about the Kings AND my 5 mos old kept me up all last night, but mostly because of FlyerRod.
  21. @flyercanuck Fair enough, but to call out a "smallish" player for not using his size (like he is JVR / Carters height) is a bit odd to me. Also, Kanes and Giroux body types are completely different. Giroux is same height but "stocky" (and weighs less than Kane). Kane is a thin guy. I know splitting hairs. I when I read the OP note about not using his size it came across like he was Bundy. Ya know what I am saying?? :-)
  22. @mojo1917 "I think Kane is as good as he will get, which is good. but he's not going to suddenly figure out how to use his size better." Kane is listed as 5'11 180lbs. What should he really do with ALL THAT SIZE?? I am not a Kane fan on of off the ice as I agree he is what is going to be (a 65pt one dimensional player that needs good linemates to help him and not the other way around), but size does not come into the equation of his game as he has none. Its like saying Briere should use his size better. :-)
  23. @hf101 It would be a none issue had the Flyers not sold the Phantoms. Financing would not be required. What an idiotic move by Comcast / Spectacore. I say that without knowing the bottom line financial figures- but still on just the surface alone, you would think that you could make that work. I just scratch my head at that whole thing. How is the whole condo / shopping complex / restaurant thing working out now for where the spectrum used to be?
  24. @AlaskaFlyerFan "Only 10 PIMs in 56 games tells me he is soft...not very physical. Only 18 pts tells me he isn't very offensive. To me, those don't mix well. You need a D-man to be physical and take some penalties or he needs to be a playmaker/goal scorer. He is neither. Don't waste a call up on him." Sorry bro, but you are going to have to take some lumps on this one. I always thought shot blocking, hits, giveaways / takeaways, break out / passing ability and +/- were the key indicators for a defensemen. Not Pims and points. "2010-11: Kessel was the top offensive defenseman for New Hampshire as a junior and announced following the season that he would forego his final year of college eligibility. In 39 games with New Hampshire Kessel scored 5 goals with 22 assists and was +6 with 32 PMs. After finishing third in Hockey East the Wildcats lost to Merrimack in the conference semifinals and fell to Notre Dame in the finals of the NCAA Northeast Regional. Kessel was named to the NCAA East First All-American Team." His current scouting report says he is a two-way defensemen with exceptional passing ability and vision of the ice. I don
  25. @hf101 "Gagne did have 34games......it still might be close enough or they just play him one game. I thought he was cleared for contact in practice?" I had to go look it up (as I thought he was done for sure). http://lakingsinsider.com/2012/05/14/gagne-cleared-wont-practice/ "Gagne cleared, won
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