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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. This one is kind of laughable to me. I am not sure how you can think that your leading TOI player is not "necessary" to the team. While not a pronger, weber or even Suter, he is still an essential cog at 23 minutes a night. I mean are the between the lines that Grossman / Bouron / Gus will chew up those minutes?
  2. Don't make fun of my alma mater. I don't mind the Parise offer. It is the Suter offer that I think was stupid. Maybe there was some behind the scenes rumblings that both players wanted to go to the same team together. THAT is the only plausible situation I can see making the Suter offer. The past is offen a predicator to the furture. Jagr did not waste any time LAST summer in signing with a team. He did it right away. I don't think the guy likes to wait. .500k above market value is not a buttload IMO. At the end of the day, you are right, he could have waited. But if I am him, why should I? You tell me you want me and then the first day of free agency you make offers that eliminate that statement to other players. I have pride. I am a future HOF'er. I will give you one last chance because I really like the team. When that last chance was "still waiting on our other offers", I say see ya, nice knowing ya.
  3. The thing with Nash is that the bar has kind of already been established with the Richards / Carter trade. That said (and to your point), I think as a trading GM, you have to establish how much MORE value does nash have above a "carter". The other part of the equation is the cap / salary hit. Nash is the 5th highest paid player in the NHL and while never having the supporting linemates in Columbus that he needs, he has never put up the value in production to support that salary. I don't think a Read + #1 + a conditional #2 gets it done. I do think think a "Read" and a number 1 and two number 2 picks would get it done. Columbus has to realize that no team is going to gut its roster to get Nash. I would do that deal as stated.
  4. @JackStraw- The thing that is odd for me is that why didn't Suter say right away- thanks but no thanks. The numbers the Flyers offerred were the less than what Nashville was willing to give and what Detroit offerred. I am happy he is out West, otherwise I would want the Flyers to destroy him every chance they got. Poile had every right to be extremely pissed. The irony is that I don't think Minnesota got any better and that they will not make the playoffs this year.
  5. I don't know. Everything he stated makes perfect sense to me. He didn't want to be option b for the Flyers. I am a bit stunned that there were not any other suitors. Homer really screwed the pooch this summer. He could have tendered the offer to Parise, signed Carle AND signed Jagr (4.5 is rich for my blood, but I would go 3.8 - 4m). Offerring the contract to Suter- who publicly stated he has zero interest of playing Philly locked Homers cash up. The travel part of that article was pretty interesting.
  6. All you need to know about Nash is to watch his international play for Team Canada. When you give him some decent line mates, the guy is nearly unstoppable.
  7. I can digest Laughton over Maata. What I can't digest is the goalie in the second round. It makes the whole Bobs trade moot (other than having mercy for bob).
  8. That is fair. Yet, I also don't think Vokoun signed un to only be a 25 game a year guy. I think you will see allot more of a platooning situation in Pitts next year. I also think Vokoun is an insurance policy.
  9. I am guilty of propogating unsubstantiated rumors (that I read on other threads on this forum). My bad.
  10. It would be interesting to see who the other suitors were. That would tell the full story. I have to think that Detroit was in the mix and to pick Dallas over Detroit (especially if it was 500k or less difference) would be shocking. The one thing is that I think he really wants to continue being a first line guy. While certainly other teams could give him ball park money in the 4m range, how many can gurantee him first line minutes?
  11. Would you take Laughton over Maata? For me personally, this was the year of the d-man. To not land one in either of the first two rounds is absurd to me.
  12. I was just grasping for a silver lining- but agree with everything you said. I have stated it on a couple of other threads and will here again: I think this is the WORST Homer has done in the off-season. Outside of getting a Doan, there is nothing that could salvage that opinion in my mind.
  13. No problem Polaris. I think the word "exhausted" is what stuck in my crawl. Both goalies (Pitts / Flyers) were horrendous that first round. At the end of the day, does 10 less games for Fleury make him much better come playoff time?? I don't think so. Let us be real. Fleury has played on average 65 games a year as a pro. I think Ray and the the organization have soured on him. Paying Vokoun 2m as a back up tells you everything you need to know about the situation. Vokoun is the insurance policy. As soon as Fleury flakes out again, Vokoun will move into his spot. There are 3 years left for Fleury's contract. I can see Pitts biting the bullet on at least one or two of those years if Fleury falters again.
  14. Out of those three, Perry is the guy I want. I don't think we need another center (Getzlaf) and Weber will be long gone before next year. In fact he will probably be gone this summer. I am befuddled always by those that think Weber will be a UFA next year. He won't. One of two things will happen: 1) Nashville will sign him to a multi-year contract this summer. 2) Nashville will trade his RFA rights to another team this summer. Anyone who thinks that Nashville will sign him to a 1 year deal only to watch him walk, is kidding themselves. Back to the point. We have allot of money next year and Perry is the guy I want on RW next to G.
  15. Which bums me. I watched him at the memorial cup when he was a Maine Maniac and he was a stud.
  16. The same ones that said that Carle is not worth more than 4M and Jagr is not worth more than 3M.
  17. I initially read this as "no need for retards". (no offence to those truly mentally handicapped- including Kuato).
  18. And thus why not a FA in the world does not want to come play for us. They did not mind the Nitty's of the world, but Breezy has such a stigma that nobody wants to be in the O&B. If there is a "grandfather" rule in the next CBA, the Flyers must use it on Breezy. I am being harsh, but unless someone can give a compelling argument to the contrary, that is what needs to be done.
  19. What qualifies as a very good team? Usually if you are a conference finalist in the playoffs, most would deem you very good. I mean, there are only 4 out of 30 that can claim such a thing.
  20. The bright side is he is a gamer. He is Talbots replacement in three years.
  21. Antsy means he was pissed and was not going to wait. I don't blame him. Your other points are valid regarding "win" or "get paid". You portray Dallas poorly. Had Dallas played .500 hockey in their last 5 games, you would not be reading about LA Kings as SC champions.
  22. I don't see Bob as a "project". That trade was a mercy trade. The problem was that the owner could not keep his hands out of the cookie jar and forced management to make a move they should have never made. Is Bobs a #1- possibly and certainly can develop into one easily. But his ticket was punched the day the Flyers signed Breezy. I am happy the Flyers gave him a chance elsewhere as he is a quality kid and works extremely hard.
  23. This is a bit off topic, but being that I currently live in SE asia, the Chinese are the WORST abusers in the world of killing tigers. There was a program on CI recently that portrayed what they do there.
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