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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. That boat has sailed. I think Bobs, JVR and a kid from our system (plus picks) would have got him.
  2. The problem with Nashville is who is in the drivers seat. If Nashville can't sign him, that puts part control in Nashvilles hands and part in Webers. On Bobby Ryan- I had missed the big blow-up on draft day and just now caught up to that. Truthfully, reading some of the comments, I am not sure I want Bobby Ryan as a Flyer. Here is one quote: ""Anaheim to me has been a team over the past year that really has shown me nothing to PROVE that they want me here" - Bobby Ryan. Here is an excerpt from a Anaheim fan from another board: "What else can the Ducks do for Mr. Ryan? He has a 5 year contract! He's played on the top line, he's been given chances to be the centerpiece on his own line! Hell, Randy Carlyle was fired because the two supposedly didn't get along. Everyone on the team except Teemu and Saku were on the chopping block this past season and that was more motivation from Murray than anything else." The thing that would irke me as management is that the first half of the year, a good number of the team underperformed and that includes Ryan. At that point the "rebuild" word was in full bloom. All players have to endure trade rumors. I am sorry, but when you are making 5.5m a year, suck it up and shut-up. Don't go to the papers and cry and say how you really want to play for Philly. It makes you look like a malcontent and I don't have any interest in a malcontent.
  3. Was that the guy I was thinking out of Delco??
  4. Um, no, that is not going to happen. The Flyers are very high on him and he high on the Flyers. He has found a good home in his hockey career. While he does not light the lamp, he creates time and space for players that do and makes good reads and passes. He is 6'3 and 210 lbs. I have ZERO interest in trading his rights as a RFA. He is going to be signed. Holmgren AND Jakubs agent said both sides have been talking and it will get done. Additionally, Jake did not file for arbitration, which is basically a good will / faith move.
  5. I think you have two choices. He still has two more years of RFA eligibility I believe. So you could sign him now to an icrease similar how they paid Giroux (I am thinking 3.5m) for two years with the promise of getting an even better pay day two years from now if he keeps increasing his performance. Or you bite the bullet now and pay him 4M ish. JVR's contract was 4.25 for 6 years. I like the carrot approach. Give him a nice raise now to 3.5 for two years. Let him keep working for a bigger pay day.
  6. I haven't been able to watch Iginla much lately. When I lived in Van, got to see him allot. How is his gas tank?? Iginla has more scoring prowess than Doan- so if Doan gets a ridiculous pay day, what is Iginla going to get? I don't mind either player. Iginla you will have to wait until next summer (or trade for him at the trade deadline). Down you get for salary alone. If we are waiting until next summer, than Corey Perry is the guy I want to go after as my #1 choice.
  7. Sure you can. It would just burn a relationship (for awhile). Even if he is looking to leave the Preds, he is in no different negotiating boat than he is with the Preds. Schenn + the picks does seem light, but I am just getting tired of the increasing over-inflation for players. Weber is a damn fine player and a rare one at that. A Schenn + MAB + 4 picks could get it done. But this 3 or 4 playerf plus picks is just too much for me to handle. I have been the guy that keeps asking on why everyone thinks Weber will be available next summer. However, the more I think about- especially in context to our discussion, the more it seems reasonable that occurs (IF he does not re-sign with Nashville). The clincher is that I think Weber wants to win- and he wants to win not 4-5 years from now. How many teams have the assets that you are proposing to give to Nashville while also remaining competitive now- or at least in one more year AND also has the cap room to spend in getting Weber AND replacing traded players? The answer is VERY, VERY few. The Flyers are out now that they have traded JVR. Who else? Look at the 16 teams that made the playoffs last year and who do you see making that kind of play for Weber, while remaining competitive. What does that all mean? That he won't give moved this summer as the price tag will be too steep. The next opportunity Poile will have is the trade deadline. At that point the door is wide open for Poile to trade with ANYONE. His price will have to go down, but his list of teams will have gone up. I could easily see two teams: 1) Edmonton- they have an over abundance of young forward talent that could readily net Weber. 2) Columbus- This might sound laughable, but I could see Weber going to Columbus for Nash and middle picks. The problem is that Columbus is not AS hurting on the d-side as they are on the forward side, so perhaps that is not a logical trade. Now you are Weber. Do you want to play in the artic tundra of northern Alberta ever year for another 5 years minimum? Maybe? Maybe you like the team make-up. Do you want to play for Columbus where they are still 3 years away from having any serious team (more if they keep that chimpanzee in the front office)? No. So, despite your team moving you, you tell your new team at the end of the season that you are going to test free agency and thanks but no thanks.
  8. I liked everything in your post but these two comments. 1) I have asked this on multiple threads and have yet to read a plausible answer as to why everyone thinks that Weber will be available next summer. IMHO, he won't. What I see is one of three things happening in priority of preference to Nashville (and perhaps even Weber): a) Nashville signs him for a long time contract this summer. b) If (a) can not be accomplished, Nashville trades his rights THIS summer. c) If (b) can not be accomplished, Nashville signs him to a one year deal and trades him at the trade deadline. From a Nashville perspective, (b) is allot more desirable than ©. The ONLY way I think you see Weber available next summer is if © occurs and the trading team is unable to sign Weber (which assumming the type of assets they would have to give up to get him- even as a rental, I think the odds are slim). 2) Bobby Ryan- With Selanne coming back for one more year, I don't see Ryan going anywhere this year. Maybe next summer, but no way Anaheim guts a top forward on their team in Selanne's swan song year. I am sure there was heavy discussion around that before Selanne signed as well. Truthfully, the team righted the ship in the second half of the season. They were brutal in the first half, but decent in the second. I look at that first half as allot of players underperfoming, not lack of talent.
  9. @jammer2 The way the story is being told, its an offer that he has received. It was broke in Phoenix by a sports radio talk show host there. No mention of the team.
  10. @JackStraw In someways it does not bother me (that Pinnochio) was from pittsburgh area and a pitts fan first. While the Flyers are the team that have my fanaticism, there are other hockey teams I really like to watch. The years I spent living in Vancouver, I loved watching the canucks, but being a Flyers first fan, it was always allot easier for me to be objective in viewing the canucks. That said, I just am not a general fan of Pinnochio' regardless of his past. I like Meltzer, the guy who writes for Delco and heck even Wayne Fish for the Intelligencer (central bucks county newpaper).
  11. I don't think so- if it is a Canadian playing in the US or a US playing in Canada (as amateurs). Patrick Kane played his last amateur season in the OHL (yet represented USA at the WJHC). As long as each government knows what the intent and duration is (and that you are not planning to grow roots without proper residency paper work), there is not an issue.
  12. I really like doan and think he can be THE quality / size RW next Giroux for the next 3 years. A Hartnell-Giroux-Doan line would be a pretty intimidating line of skill plus size (one the wings). But I don't like him for 7.5m. At that price, I might as well go get Nash (though it will cost me assets). I also think Doan does not go anywhere for just a year. I think he will look for 3 years minimum as he heads towards his sunset.
  13. Perhaps not negative, but allot of your posts have a negative / cynical tone. Rare is it to see a post where you way "wow, positive, positive, etc.". Reminds me a bit of the king of negativity: RochFlyer.
  14. Perhaps not negative, but allot of your posts have a negative / cynical tone. Rare is it to see a post where you way "wow, positive, positive, etc.". Reminds me a bit of the king of negativity: RochFlyer.
  15. You are right in I missed the point game to game and those with versus those with out. I am far too lazy to go game to game. There are a couple of things I will stand by: 1) Pronger helped cover up gaffes by Carle in the defensive zone. 2) Pronger also allowed Carle to be activated sooner as Pronger has / had an excellent breakout pass and was great at stretching the d to allow Carle to move into the center ice zone quicker than normal. I am not a Carle basher. I just think that his defensive liabilities of Carle were minimized greatly when playing with Pronger versus other partners he has had.
  16. He should get extended at the same price. Give him 3-4 more years.
  17. Yup and the buyout damage would not be felt in significance for another 7 years. http://www.capgeek.com/buyout_calculator.php?player_id=1141&buyout_y=2012&buyout_m=07&buyout_d=20 Snider can sell one of his jets for the eff up.
  18. I would and then go after Luongo. Yet, I am not backing up the asset truck to get Luongo. He is an albatross to Van now because they have made it clear that Schneider is there guy (and rightfully so). Luongo is 10X better than Breezy- and can endure the media pressure here (Vancouver has to be third overall in media microscope behind Toronto and Montreal).
  19. Truthfully, I don't want Wellwood as a 4th line center. I want him to have more minutes than that and I think he is wasted there. He is my third line winger.
  20. @jammer2 Totally agree and another wasted Russian talent. As agitated as I am with Homer this summer, what I will say about him is he will always take quality people over superior talent when the player is a d i c k head. You have to respect him for that at least (we can't hold him accountable for Breezy).
  21. You would have to send OC a dictionary to show him what "positive" means. That said, I do think he is accurrate. Make or break year for Breezy. Bobs will post 30 wins in Columbus, despite their inept management.
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