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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Agreed- but somebody else posted the whole article. In reading the entire article it sounded more like Giroux was ho-hum about it, but just stating what the reality was. Prior to this quote, I have NEVER seen him complain, whine etc. So, in that light, he will get a pass from me. Truthfully, I think both players really despise each other. Crosby for sure is hated by allot of players, but seldom do you see him show particular angst regarding a particular player. Giroux is that player. Why? Because Giroux is pretty close to his talent. (@Polaris922- note I said 'pretty close'). Giroux has taken the hard road to get where he is. Not to say that Crosby did / does not work hard, but his road was paved a long ago. Nothing wrong with that. Just the situation.
  2. The interesting thing is that HockeyFutures has both Manning and Gustafson ranked ahead of MAB. That said, MAB was VERY good in juniors. Not that it translates to the pro game, but still- he excelled and was one of the best d-men in the QMJHL. Way too early to give up on any of these three. They are not 1-2 material, but with patience all three are ranked with 3-4 potential. Both Manning and MAB has a physical nasty side that I like. Gus can wheel and deal (as a typical Swede). I think all three need more salt and pepper before passing the book on them.
  3. We do, but I am not in any hurry and obviously Homer is not either in regards to losing to get (or else Weber would be a Flyer). I know I sound like a cheer leader, but Perry is the guy I target NEXT year. You have Voracek, Read and Simmonds as your RW core now. Giroux, Couturier and Schenn as your centers. I just let it ride this year. This (again) will not be a stanley cup year. But it will be a tell tale year in three areas: 1) Is the d same, better or worse? 2) Can the young kids take the next step (particularly Schenn, Jake and Couturier, d-Schenn and MAB / Gustafson / Manning? 3) Will the real Bryzgalov show up and is it Mr. Jeckyl or Mr. Hyde?
  4. Overbank or overplank? Yar mattie.
  5. Agree on both points. As an aside, what was the offer that Homer made to Nashville for a trade? I am still trying to catch up. Computerless for 9 days and 5 of those were with a horrible flu (always comes with the typhoons- don't understand why, but you should see the entire community line up at the drug store after the first typhoon hits).
  6. Just stop, will you?? Giroux sind his deal- knowing full well that he would get paid if he continued. He had ONE very good year at the point he signed the contract. At that point, he was still behind Carter and Richards on the depth sheet. This is a value signing. They signed it within the term so that Jake is still a RFA at the end. I did not hear you crying when they signed Jagr at 400k less than Giroux last year. Get a grip. Giroux IS going to get paid. Don't start comparing one players contract to anothers. It is insane to do it. The players don't do it- why should you??
  7. Checking to see if they might be quality for Rockey Mountain Oyesters?? just guessing here.
  8. And there is a great example of why sound bits and selective excerpts can be completely misconstrued. Thanks for posting that.
  9. I like the guy even more now. Is it smart or stupid that he didn't? When you see the staggerring front end money figures, it makes you wonder.
  10. Yeah, I get that and knew that in a "legal" sense. On the NMC / NTC, I thought it was built into the contract offer that the Flyers gave him- just was not portable to the match that Nashville made. I am still trying to catch up with the hockey moves. Nothing happens for 10 days and I get shut down for 10 days and there is allot that is happening. Cheers
  11. Totally get it. What I don't get is the angst against Crosby v. the officiating and the league. As I have said on other posts on this thread, I can readily find numerous youtube vids of Lindros and Messier (both centers) doing the exact same thing (but at least both would man up). My point is: We know that Crosby has a golden cape and is not a choir boy (hacks / slashes etc.). The issue that is forefrun is he gets a pass / blind eye by the league- ALWAYS. That to me is the issue- not Crosby's actions.
  12. Hey PG- I am not condoning his actions, yet his actions or similar are conducted by many NHL players. If you read my initial response, I pointed the blame on the officiating (both the linesman and the refs). I mean really, lets not look at this in O&B glasses. I will pull up many YouTube videos of Messier and Lindros on many differen situations (faceoffs included) that make Cindy look like Bambi. It is all subjective. It is up to the refs and the league to manage the infractions that occur. I am dissapointed in Giroux to come out at THIS point and state this stuff. Eveyone knows that Cindy is a slasher / hacker, ball puncher, etc. It does zero service to Giroux to state this stuff- now. If Giroux objective was to highlight the partiality shown to Crosby- then okay, but that is a beaten horse already too. So, in the end, I don't know what it serves to come out and say this stuff- there is no purpose and makes him sound whiney.
  13. Or make sure your best friends are not riding along with you.
  14. For me personally, I thought your prank, followed by another prank was way overboard (considering it involved a real person) Says the Cheshire Cat.
  15. So, you can addendum a signed conract? Wow. I know it in the business world, but not in the sports world.
  16. Of course there was deliberate intent to injure! But what does that have to do with the price of peanuts within the game of hockey??
  17. Lindy Ruff says hello! Joking only! ha ha
  18. His last three years: 56%, including his last full season played where he lead the league in faceoffs and faceoff win pctg.
  19. Okay, but at what cost?? Anaheim wants Schenn or Courturier. Sorry, Ryans 30 goals are not worth that to me. Also, Ryan is starting to sound like a whiny ******. Lets put the shoe on the other foot and say Ryan is a Flyer and grew up in SoCal and he comes out and complains about how many rumors he hears about how the Flyers are trading him all the time. I mean christ, lets look at JVR- he never whined about it at all and he also had signed a similar contract to Ryans. I don't want Ryan on this team. Not for the assets that it would cost. Give me Perry as a UFA next season.
  20. Nashville is not a toilet and for once they have some cash. The problem with guys like Weber / Suter wanting to move is that they want a shot this / next year, not 2-3 years down the line- which always seems to be Nashvilles predicament. Keep in mind, Weber can still be moved. He does not have a NTC / NMC. Just now that other teams know what it will cost them money wise. \ I like and respect the Nashville organization. I don't think losing Suter will hurt as much as people think. For whatever reason, they are a d-man factory and have no less than 5 prospects that have 3-4 defensemen potential (three at the pro level and two still at the amateur level).
  21. Man you whip him hard. +53 after 6 year in the NHL. You know him better than I. Perhaps at the end of the day, he was short straw at center and really would be better in a more "offensively" led center role than a "checking" center role. Either way, I have always like his game. I don't like it for 6m worth right now, but time will tell. He is 23 years old.
  22. Hi Howie- The problem is that this years draft was loaded with d-men through the first 60 picks (2 rounds). With both our first and second round pick, it seems that we did not draft the best player on the board. So, your optimism for homer to draft a d-man in the future is skeptical to me. While I am sure it will happen by chance, THIS year was the year of the d-man when it comes to drafts. Enjoy your merlot.
  23. I think you missed my point. Allot of guys do that kind of stuff. Messier was great at it. I guess for me it is a "nothing to look at hear" type of thing other than perhaps calling out the officiating again for softness on Crosby.
  24. Its a shame that he is the stature he is. Lindros endured that same type of stuff constantly. That where is classic "bull rush" faceoff move came from. When guys were constantly hacking at him- he would get pissed and ignore the puck and just pummel the guy off the drop. I read somewhere by one of the the best faceoff guys in the league (forget who) that stated "if you are not cheating on faceoffs, you are not playing to win". Meaining everyone has wagon of tricks up their sleeve. It is both the linesman and refs job to watch the kind of antics that Crosby was employing. He is not the first to do that kind of stuff, so, I am not sure what all the uproar is about. I don't mind that Giroux came out and said something, but it does sound a bit whiny to me. In the end, the point for me would be to illustrate the blindness by the officials when it comes to crosby again. Nothing more, nothing less.
  25. Really good point- particularly your tier 1 players. But truthfully, you always have the option to match, so the only real risk is perhaps you lose any type of home team discount. Also, with Giroux (and I might get shellacked for this), I want to see another year like this year under his belt before backing up the brinks truck. I think the world of him and he is the MVP of the team. He does have some areas he needs to improve upon (nitpicking for sure, but it is true). I would like to see him maintain his level of productivity from last year without Jagr on his wing AND tighten the gap on those other areas). If he does that next season, definitely on the brinks truck.
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