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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. True and thus why I brought in the point that if Anaheim under performs again, that Perry may want greener pastures. We don't need another center- though I did put Getzlaf as my MVP for Anaheim.
  2. It pretty cool to go there in the fall or early spring when the waters are ravishing.
  3. True. I forgot that I took a right turn on this thread to bring Perry into the discussion and thought that is what KingKnut was commenting on.
  4. definitely an A-. Your comment on "apparent impatience" is interesting. While Hitch is certainly abrasive, not as much as Keenan and probably no more so than Lavi. It is interesting how we, as fans, perceive our coaches. The 24/7 series is cool because it gives legit insight.
  5. Good points. I am bashing a bit for sure. Also I spent a semester in Cortland (SUNY). I guess my point was why would Briere want to return to Buffalo? While some redeeming qualities, not enough for him to waive his NTC / NMC when he is living in South Jersey.
  6. I did live there. Great for those players to want to be there, but it is not my cup of tea. The positive it that it has a very homey feel to it. Meaning - as a city, you never feel like you are in a city. Rather just a very large town.
  7. Why do you have to trade when he is a UFA next summer? I can see trade deadline, but that is it.
  8. That is all fair. Needling is one thing- but painting posters from another team as trolls is another. Everything is subjective as everything is just opinion anyway. My point to PG is don't be harsh on those guys and think they have "agendas" or are trolls. I respect them because they never lower themselves to name calling or other juvenile behavior. In fact, while I don't always agree, they both work very hard to state their points of view.
  9. I had a client that was located in Rochester and Buffalo. I know both places very well. I am not trying to talk poorly about it, but both are barren industrial towns. The summers are good, but the other three seasons are very hard to live in- for the given type of communities that they offer, as compared to Philly.
  10. As long as he does not pull his Dan Mcgillis reincarnate act.
  11. Polaris is a good poster as is B22 (a philly.com transplant). While I do not always agree with them, they come here to talk hockey. I know there will always be skepticism here after the Philly.com debacle, yet, I think the moderators are completely in tune with this board and perform their function very well. While this forum was started by a Flyers fan, it is Hockey forum and not a Flyers forum. I enjoy reading other teams fans perspective on things. I think you are confusing these posters with other posters from Philly.com. For me personally, they add value and frankly, I wish there was more posters from other teams.
  12. Why? People knock Philly for various things, but have you ever been to Buffalo?? It really is a miserable place to live.
  13. @Irishjim I get the idea, but I really can't take that blog to seriously. It lost my attention as soon as I got to the part that the Flyers were a laughing stock for signing Briere. That is completely untrue. There were three marquee centers that year as UFA: Drury, Gomez and Briere. Of the three, Briere was the cheapest signing. Drury was bought out and Gomez is wallowing in Montreal. Even the time of the signing it was good value for the market. Secondly, if briere was to go anywhere, it would be to a team that has the best shot at winning the cup. That does not fit Buffalos description to me. I actually could see him in Phoenix (where he started) more readily than Buffalo.
  14. Hitch was a escape goat when he was fired. Richards and Carter were tired of taking a beating from hitch. The year that Hitch was fired, Stevens did not do any better. The reality is that the Flyers sucked. While you can thank Brett Hull for Hitches cup ring (just like you can thank Cam Ward for Lavi's cup ring), Hitch is perennially asked to coach on the world stage for team Canada. Just saying......
  15. I heard there was a syringe with water involved.
  16. Yeah, I really like him as well. I wonder what it would take to sign him next summer. He will have to get paid and it should be significant (parise range). I guess it comes down to how much he likes it in Anaheim. If Anaheim under-performs the way they did for the first half of last year, I could see him easily on the move. He would look great in O&B along side of Giroux.
  17. I hate the lottery and think it is a bogus solution to teams tanking. You can defend the lottery pick of Crosby behind closed doors all you want. Yet it is / was the only time since the installation of the lottery that was held behind closed doors? Just ask yourself why that was??
  18. Who would you rather have: Ryan or Perry?
  19. I disagree. Barber won the first Calder Trophy for the Phantoms- and he did it without a NHL stocked team (the year Stevens won it- was the lockout year). No Nitty, Pitkanen, Carter, or Richards. His shortcoming was his wifes illness. While not einstein behind the bench, he knew the game and knew the players. I would not put Stevens ahead of him. What has Stevens done other than back a cake? (don't give me the ring in LA BS).
  20. Hitch takes a beating here. He is not good with "kids" is a bunch of crap (St Louis is the 10th youngest team in the NHL). Hitch is a strategist of the enth degree. Few are smarter than him in the league when it comes to x's and o's and I think he has learned the error of his past ways. I really like Lavi, but I don't thik I move him past Hitch. The results Lavi has had here, I think Hitch matches and perhaps goes further (particularly the goalie bs stuff two playoffs ago). I will agree that Lavi should go ahead of Neilson.
  21. I think you missed my point. My point had nothing to do with value / skill- it had to do with character. You could supplant JVR for a number of players that were on the trade block (Weber, Suter, Parise, Nash- etc.). None of them came out and said I am tired of hearing about all these trade rumors. To me it was unprofessional. Here is a guy making 5.1M dollars are year whining about hearing trade rumors. He is not a kid anymore. He has been in the league for 5 years. If this is his character (to whine like a little kid), then I don't want him on my team- regardless of his skill. Perry is the guy I want from Anaheim anyway. Twice the player that Ryan is and a UFA ( we do not lose any assets).
  22. Nothing in G's past ever suggest he is one to throw blame or whine. The comment was taken out of excerpt (after reading the entire article). I rescind my comments about him being whiny after reading the entire article. Others should also rescind there lament for Crosby after reading G's comments. It is hockey. I hate Crosby because he is a hated rival and while I respect and admire his skill level, I don't respect his gamemanship.
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