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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. The team needs to be sold. I don't really understand why a team in Columbus can not be successful. The organization has been mismanaged from the start (poor selection of GM / coaches- aside from Hitchcock, poor drafting, poor operational front office). I mean as a piss poor team, they still garner 15K on attendance. That is more than 1/3 of the NBA.
  2. Vanflyer


    I think this is a misconception and probably needs to be clarified on what you call a "weak" sport in the US. 1) Only 4 teams in the NHL are below 95% of capacity for attendance as compared to 18 teams in the NBA that are below 90%. 2) Youth hockey has never been stronger in the US. I whole heartily agree that the NBA garners more popularity overall and revenue, but it is not because hockey is "weak" in the US. The reality is that Hockey is a very expensive sport to play (regardless of where you live). That exempts ALLOT of kids from playing. A basketball, baseball glove / bat or even a football cost a nominal amount of money to get started as compared to hockey. Used skates alone to just go to your local rink or pond to skate cost more than all of the aforementioned.
  3. Well, then that does suck for Columbus because that is a missed opportunity. I guess back to the OP comment, would it really have a significant impact in Columbus anyway?? While I agree it would not hurt, but does it really help generate fandom- regardless if it is an established team / city or new??
  4. They did not reschedule it for the next year?? My opinion would be that if a game is missed due to a lockout- everything slides 1 (or however long the lockout is).
  5. The next all-star game will still be held in Columbus. The bigger picture is will anybody care to go regardless of the venue??
  6. Holidays are interesting with the kids. I think sometimes they get stressed at the "hype" and change of natural environment. Great-grandchild!!! Wow!! Kids are the best- because you can not fake your love, they know right away. All you need to know about any adults disposition is to watch them with a kid. Great that your great-grandson has a wonderful great grand-father!
  7. I agree on all parts. Truthfully- having spent half my life in the states, Thanksgiving is my favorite- beyond Christmas and it is huge in the States (much larger than Canada's Thanksgiving- which as you stated seemed a knock off of the American Thanksgiving with limited tradition to prop it up). What I like about Thanksgiving is that it seems so much more communal than Christmas (ie. Christmas has family obligations where-as Thanksgiving can involve friends easily, and makes it more fun). For me, Christmas seems much more stressful and obligatory where-as Thanksgiving is just to have fun with Family / Friends, watch some sports, play games in the yard and eat some good food (and of course be thankful that you can do all those things on the backs of the indians).
  8. I was thinking that- of course I once again stick my foot in my mouth!
  9. All Canadians! ha ha (I can't resist since I am choosing my American half on this holiday).
  10. Interesting on the "real one" part. I think Thanksgiving in US is much bigger than the Canadian one. I consider it the top two or the US holidays (Christmas of course being number 1).
  11. I am in southeast asia and unfortunately could not find anyplace for a good turkey. So we ate sushi instead that I made (fish here is very cheap). But thanks for the wishes (being half american and half canadian).
  12. Vanflyer


    "Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, Big wheel turn by the grace of god, Every time that wheel turn round, Bound to cover just a little more ground." Nice quote. Too bad I don't have the tribute I gave to @JackStraw anymore.
  13. Vanflyer


    Not to mention mismanaging AND doubling the valuation of your business. I am 100% in the players court now after doing the analytics I did. Columbus is worth 152M today and they were purchased for 80M- that is despite the horrible management decisions. Show me another business where you can grind your operations to the ground yet double your investment!!!!
  14. College Basketball is actually quite good (and MUCH different than pros). I don't mind watching amateurs.
  15. Que the Jeopardy music while huskie sheep herder is herding @Podein25 sheep. (I feel dirty just for typing that).
  16. His little sister lives in Pittsburgh??? Or do you mean his little sister named Mario?? :-0
  17. Same with me. No need to monopolize this.
  18. Vanflyer


    While Montreal had enormous depreciation, the still ranked 2nd in operating income, 2nd in attendance and 2nd in attendance income. I really need to look at these numbers more. If you (or anyone else is interested), I can send you my compiled spread sheet.
  19. Vanflyer


    Yup and the Rangers rake in a fortune from the MSG network (though it does televise some Buffalo and NYI games).
  20. Correct Huskie Sheep Herder!!! Your turn!
  21. Vanflyer


    I just said that in my reply to Aziz. I would love to see a pie that breaks down the revenue. And not an american apple pie.
  22. Vanflyer


    I do not disagree at all. I have zero reference on what makes up the revenue (even from Forbes), Ie. concessions, parking, merchandising, etc. I can only go by raw data. But I think there is more to it than that. I think there are local TV and advertising that play a mammoth part of the picture. I do not know how facilities, concession, merchandise is sliced in the revenue picture stated by Forbes. One can only guess that they are part of the revenue stated (one or all). That said, the thing that is more compelling to me is the operational income / gate revenue / gate % stats. I guess what I mean by this is that Toronto is gods country for hockey. Detroit is Hockey town. Montreal is Hockey Mecca....adnaseum. Yet Montreal lost nearly 25% of their value while retaining a significantly higher operating income than detroit. You look at the gate receipts by dollar and Montreals were 33% higher than Detroit while each team was number 2 / 4 in the league in attendance. I get your point on ancillary sales and it is a great point. Yet, I dont think it is merchandising that changes the numbers in the top 11 that much. I have to also look at the numbers more. I wish somebody that is not as dumb as me would know more about regional advertising and local tv contracts for the teams. I think that is as mammoth a part as is the corporate boxes / suites and in facility advertising. Yet, it is the players faults! ha ha ha
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