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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I like it better than the Memorial cup as well- mostly because it is an international tournament v. memorial which is a Canadian tournament. Your family and friends are not interested in watching the Memorial cup?? Its really a shame that these tournaments are not picked up on TV in the US. Yet with todays internet technology, they can still be readily viewed.
  2. I pretty much support and align with your POV on this topic, but that is a load of crap. Those players knew what was coming. To me, it is the players that signed contracts two-four years ago that are getting eff'd. The parise, suter, webers of the world knew the deal.
  3. Probably my favorite hockey tournament (Memorial cup not withstanding). To watch amateurs compete at the level they do is amazing. I would garner that 1/3 of the kids you see at the WJHC make it to the NHL. I have been to Sweden, Czech Republic and of course Vancouver to see this tournament live. Aside from the great hockey is the atmosphere and patriotism regardless of the hosting country. Just a fabulous event.
  4. Interesting that Terry Murray is coaching him (again). I think that is great. Say what you want about Murray, but the one thing is he always preaches defence. The fact that Schenn is being enormously productive while also playing well in all three zones is a god send. I think in a couple of years we will all be saying Mike who? (not to take anything away from him, but I think Schenn is more dynamic offensively and can be every bit of a defensive player that Richards is).
  5. Where is brett hull when you need him??
  6. Great point- but how is it that they are able to do that, while others are not?? Don't get me wrong, because Detroit was retched for a long stretch of time. But in the last two decades have been stellar. To your point, one of the shining stars of this lockout is that Couturier and Schenn are playing in the AHL. Not that either one needs it, but when it comes to development and confidence, both are gaining tons. Did you know that Schenn is near a 2ppg player in the AHL and evidently learning to be a formidable defensive player while doing that??
  7. Actually, I would believe it. The same as I would believe it in Carolina or Miami (whom actually went to the SCF before either Tampa or Carolina). In fact (and I was going to post this), I can - and have, go to a Flyers game and find a ton of folks that are completely ignorant to the the game. Go to any of the corporate level suites and just sit and listen.
  8. I was close, but I think you are the winner. I just saw the picture- it is a match. I was close with Bromley though!
  9. @Puckblocker I am not sure how I missed your post initially, but I just read it now. Extremely eloquently written. My wife is foreign and only knows a little bit of English. She asked why I had "moist eyes". I tried to explain to her autism, but she does not fully understand. I would take your note and blow it up to a 8' x 10' poster and hang it on the wall of the "negotiations". Because at the end of the day, it is the fans that are suffering and one particularly (your son), more than probably most others. God speed. VF
  10. I don't think this is right, but I will try (since mine was so easy to guess): Gary Bromley?
  11. Okay, here is the next one. This I believe will be a tough one, but we will see.
  12. He is currently slotted at #23. If the season is cancelled, how does the draft work (same picking order as last year?)? Wouldn't it be a hoot if we drafted him (we had the 20th pick last year)??
  13. I am pretty sure (and it is a stretch and cleverly done if accurate), that is Manon Rheaume.
  14. Or, the owners are going to continue having a business model and decision making process that allows mistake, after mistake, after mistake to occur and hold the players accountable for those mistakes instead of changing the way they make decisions and define their business model.
  15. Interesting and accurate analogy.
  16. @Podein25 There, I fixed it for you!
  17. And thus the reference to Ohioians being in a time warp 10 years behind the rest of the nation. I don't get what happened. When I was younger, it was kind of refreshing to step into this time warp of simplicity. Yet, at some point you need to move forward. It is interesting that Ohio is always one of the key states to decide the president. That said, I have never seen a game in Carolina (Raleigh), Miami, Tampa, Nashville or Dallas. I would venture a guess that you can readily find a good portion within the audience that do not understand the game. Which is kind of sad. I mean if you go to a game in Detroit, Vancouver, Montreal- every little nuance of the game is ooed and awed upon. It changes the enjoyment level so much when the entire audience is in tune with what is going on.
  18. What I would give to have Detroits scouting department. Though, you have to admit that the Flyers have done fairly well recently (Giroux, Couturier and even the trades are looking pretty stellar with Schenn (B), Simmonds & Voracek. The thing about detroit is that they find these guys in the 3rd rounds and later.
  19. I agree. He does tons of fund raising also to help youth hockey. I also like that he is old school when it comes to his perspective on the game- you know, before the players were making millions of dollars.
  20. I agree- just part of his shtick for wow factor. His personality says anything but gay.
  21. I think you should get busy on that logo!! Are there any copyright issues on that?? :-)
  22. While I like Richards allot, I think we have Richards v2 in Schenn at a much cheaper price and in fact, Schenn may turn out to be better than Richards. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20121130_Schenn_starring_for_Phantoms_as_NHL_lockout_drags_on.html GLENS FALLS, N.Y. - When Flyers general manager Paul Holmgren finally signed off on a long-rumored trade to bring Brayden Schenn's older brother, Luke, over from the Toronto Maple Leafs, Brayden was relaxing on a boat with friends on a lake in Saskatchewan. That was June 23. "The trade has sunk in," Brayden Schenn said Thursday. "But we haven't exactly had that first NHL game where we're on the same team, to get to share in that experience." For now, as the NHL lockout reaches its 76th day on Friday, the Schenn brothers remain worlds apart. Brayden is biding his time in upstate New York, playing for the AHL's Phantoms. Luke is trying to keep busy skating with a pack of five or six NHLers in Kelowna, British Columbia. For Brayden, getting sent to Adirondack last fall to start the season purely because of salary-cap reasons was frustrating. This year, without any other options left, he's looking at his stay with the Phantoms as a leg up on the competition for when (if) the NHL decides to play. From the Sports Desk Latest Sports Stories Sixers shoot down Bobcats Phils to non-tender Schierholtz Eagles deny rumor of Vick concussion rift Mudd to retire again Is Bourn Phils' best bet? More Sports » Latest Sports Blogs BOOPSTATS:The Saturday Baseball Quiz47 minutes ago HIGH CHEESE:Phillies plan to non-tender Nate Schierholtz11/30/2012 Bleacher Report Highlighting Foles' Strengths and How the Eagles Can Play to Them Phillies’ All-Time Free-Agent Bust Team What We've Learned About 76ers so Far 15 Biggest Fan Favorites in Flyers History Most Overpaid Phillies of 2012 Stay Connected Get the latest news and events delivered to your email. Sign up now! "I think you're always trying to see what's going on with the NHL lockout," Schenn said. "My brother is skating with NHL players, but they're kind of on their own. They work out and do their thing. But it's not the same. Even the guys that are playing in Europe, they're playing on a different ice sheet. Some guys aren't playing at all. "It's not going to hurt any of us to be down here. We're not totally 'in' yet with the Flyers anyway. Whenever this lockout solves itself, I'll have a step ahead playing professional hockey. It's not like I'm just getting ice time in a bad league. There's a lot of good players here." Schenn has distinguished himself among the AHL's best, ranking third in league scoring through the first quarter of the season. His 22 points are more than Edmonton's Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, who was a finalist for the Calder Trophy as rookie of the year last year in the NHL. He trails only NHL All-Star Jordan Eberle and rookie phenom Justin Schultz. Phantoms coach Terry Murray was behind the bench for Schenn's first NHL game, as a member of the Los Angeles Kings on Nov. 26, 2009. He was an emergency call-up as an 18-year-old for a game in Vancouver after being nearby with his junior team. Schenn played eight more games with the Kings before being swapped to Philadelphia in the Mike Richards trade. Murray was fired by the Kings earlier this year and hired by the Flyers for his fifth stint with the team as player and/or coach. "Since I saw him in LA, every part of his game has come along tremendously," Murray said. "He's physically more mature, mentally more mature. He's starting to really identify with what his niche is in the game. He's becoming a more complete player. His game with the puck is what really attracted your attention: He was a scorer, he really competed hard. It was his play without the puck that needed a lot of work." Murray praised Schenn, saying he is often one of the first forwards back in his own zone. He has readjusted his focus once in the defensive zone, too, making sure he's not caught below the circles trying to help his defensemen. At the other end of the ice, Murray said, Schenn has established himself as a clutch player. Schenn has 11 points in his last seven games. The Phantoms are 4-3 in those games, which included a three-game winning streak. "He's the kind of 'big-game' player that coaches love," Murray said. "I can put him out on the ice in critical situations and know what I'm going to get out of him. He knows when he needs to step up; he knows the critical times and critical situations. Not all players recognize that. I've always believed the toughest thing in pro sports is to win when you're supposed to. "If the lockout lasts the entire year this year, that will really be a very impactful part of his game - to reinforce it, to be able to be a reliable player, to know you can go out and do what you need when you need it." Schenn has always been a consistent scorer in the AHL. He collected 12 points in seven games last fall before being called up for the remainder of the season with the Flyers. After a fractured foot and concussion, Schenn was one of the Flyers' top players in the playoffs with nine points in 11 games. He thinks he'll be even better whenever he is finally reunited with his older brother. You know, anytime now. "I know he will help me a lot," Schenn said. "We know each other so well. If my confidence is down or I need a kick in the butt, it will be good to have your brother who you respect a lot and know real well to get you going. It will be nice to have him around."
  23. While I support an NHL team in Seattle as it will create an immediate rivalry with Vancouver, I find it interesting that there are VERY few hockey rinks in the extended Seattle area. I used to live there and there were only two rinks for me to go play hockey at. It has improved a bit (I think there are 5 now). Yet, that is not much for a metropolis the size of Seattle.
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