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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I have found the identical mask model, just not the same paint job. Is it Jim Rutherford??
  2. I have seen both sides. I lived in Colorado Springs (where the USOC training facilities are for the Winter Olympics). I get the "best" under 20 in the world part. I guess for me I have always viewed it is an under-20 amateur tournament. The reality is that is not accurate.
  3. My belief is that once a player has played x-number of games as a pro (AHL, ECHL, NHL etc.), they should not be able to participate in a tournament designed for amateurs.
  4. Well, there goes that Phil Kessel hockey jersey christmas present!!
  5. Who would have thunk that? What a great trivia question (while awfully sad that it took the death of Pelle to cause reflection).
  6. I am not sure if this is the right forum to put this, but it seemed the closest I could find. We are quickly approaching the greatest amateur hockey tournament in the world. The following link gives you the schedule: http://www.tsn.ca/world_jrs/feature/?id=62670 For those not in Canada, if you click on "Favorite Sites" on the menu bar of this forum and then "Watch NHL Games" you will find several on-line streaming sites. The best one probably will be "LiveTV" as it is based in Russia (where this years tournament is held) and should have every game available. The only problem is that sometimes the feeds are in Russian or another foreign language.
  7. I am not so sure about this. For a kid to get interested in hockey, they have to be exposed to it at some point (via parents, tv, live game). Then there needs to be a viable means to skate / play. I grew up in Yardley (before it became snobbish) and had a friend that exposed me to hockey. My back yard was the Delaware Canal, so we would play shinny there or on Afton pond. I had to work two paper routes to be able to join a team / league. My father matched every dollar I earned to pay for the equipment and league fees. My point being is that you need to have exposure to hockey and the accessibility to play. When the NHL moves into non-traditional markets, it does give exposure (the same as AHL, ECHL, etc.). Then you need to generate enough interest where investors are willing to build hockey rinks (particularly in the non-wintry climates). The biggest issue for me and I don't have a viable solution, is that hockey is damn expensive to play and that immediately starts excluding a large number of kids from having the ability to get into the sport.
  8. Sadly- Where I live overseas now makes it difficult for me to follow junior hockey like I used to. Add to that where I live now has piss poor internet bandwidth and I am pretty bummed. I will still do my best to see if I can stream the games.
  9. I also found it is dangerous because they couldn't control their skating when going at moderate to high speeds. I can't tell you how many times I have been boarded unintentionally just because the opposing player could not control their skating.
  10. I didn't even realize that? How the heck did that happen. I have my filter on unread posts not older than two weeks. How strange!!
  11. http://livetv.ru/en/allupcomingsports/2/ There are some AHL games and European Trophy games on the current listing that you can watch. Soon you will have the WJHC starting.
  12. @hf101 I actually created a spread sheet with many different links for streaming hockey. HF- can you help me on where that file / post is again (when you have a chance- no hurry).
  13. When I played at Colorado College, there was a guy that was an enormous talent- perhaps the most skilled on our team. The only problem was that he was 5'7 170 lbs. His first step was enormous, but guys that were 6'2 (me) could gain on him on the 3rd and 4th step- just because of stride difference. Once gained or opposed, he was easy to push off the puck (I was 215 then). Of neither he or I advanced beyond Div 1 hockey, but to your point, it is enormously hard for a small stature player to make it all the way and I agree that 1-in-25 that play div 1 / junior hockey that are skilled will make it to the pros (any level).
  14. eff them all. I am going to stream junior hockey and be done with it. I am soooooo pissed at the whole thing. Christ, maybe I will even stream KHL.
  15. but.......MLB has many more bench clearing brawls than the NHL (seriously).
  16. I think Simmonds more than Hartnell will be screwed. At the same time, if you love where you are playing, have a great nucleus of teammates, etc. The money become insignificant. Your argument is very valid. I guess for me, I just feel that making 3.5M v. 4.5M is no skin off my back. Of course I am flipping burgers at McDonalds, so it is all subjective. On the length, I personally like that both players committed to the team for the term that they did. I truly get tired of players moving every 2-3 years to another team (unless there name is Jody Shelley) and enjoy watching a player have a tenure with a team. I mean, how else am I going to play my "Hartnell Down" drinking game with my friends??
  17. Shane Victorino signs a 3 year deal with Boston for 39 million (13m per season). While I respect how difficult pro-ball is, it is not nearly as difficult as pro-hockey. They play twice as many games as the NHL (but half the time is spent watching the grass grow). The difference is that baseball came up with a good CBA and extended it for 21 years. Also, they have an enormous tv contract looming (in the billions). If only the MBL could expand more teams into Canada, they could be like the NHL.
  18. Great point. My wifes birday is december 23 (as well as my daughters) and my birthday is december 27th. So, even Christmas aside, we have "family" week and hockey is involved. I used to love it when I lived in Van and the Flyers would play the 'Nucks on New Years eve. You had WJHC and then the Flyers to go watch. Good times! I am sure many Canadians have seen the WJHC when played in Canada, but if you ever get the chance to go and watch abroad, it is a tremendous experience. I could tell you some fantastic stories (both games and outside the games) about travelling to see WJHC.
  19. Your first post is to go completely off topic?? Really??
  20. Always loved cleary. He is a Flyer kind of player (lunch pail / blue collar).
  21. That comes from the NHLPA. I saw @radorans post regarding the projected losses for Simmonds and Hartnell. I still don't think they were that foolish to sign those contracts when they did. If everyone is going to take a 20% pay cut then their pay cuts are in alignment.
  22. In the weber / suter / parise situation, what I am trying to say is that I dont feel bad for them. My thought on it is that EVERYBODY knew the deal (re: cba). Of course you are going to go for the most money you can get (particularly if you listen your agent and you union). What I am trying to say is don't cry now because the the Owners (as a collective whole) want to roll that money back. It is the players that signed two-three years ago that are getting screwed more (imho), because at the time they signed, I highly doubt they suspected / expected to take a pay cut. I would really love to go look at salaries of 1st line / 2nd line players from say 1998. I know I have used Lindros as an example (he was getting paid 8.5m that year), but I would like to see 2nd line players / 3rd line players as compared to today.
  23. Perhaps a bit foolish, but not completely. Even with a 20% rollback, I think both players are getting paid fair market value. I think it is more the players that signed 2-3 years ago that are getting screwed. I am talking mostly about 1st and 2nd line players. I do think that some (not all) 3rd and 4th line players are overpaid. 1.3m for a Jody Shelley or Riley Cote? That is ridiculous.
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