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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. What is up with TSN.ca? Not a single article on USA's OT win over Sweden!!
  2. I don't think anyone cares that he is into "space", most just want to jettison him into space. Don't take things so seriously.
  3. I can't believe you got that. The picture is very misleading because you don't see any of the teal.
  4. I think both sides are wrong. My point was the owners crying poor. Nice smarm post though. you made Ruxpin proud.
  5. Yeah, but the disney on ice, phil collins reunion concerts etc. events that generate enormous revenue that said owner leveraged his teams valuation to get a loan never get reported under the umbrella of the teams costs. I am not saying that it is all teams, but there are allot teams that have used this type of model. Thus why valuation is an important part of the equation even if not realized / materialized.
  6. Never thought of that, but you are probably more on than I am- particularly with the tan colors (ie. there is no maron which is a trademark to the Avs color scheme). either way, it should narrow it down pretty easy between the two. I think your team is more likely than the one I was thinking.
  7. Indirectly it does. It helps them secure loans to build new stadiums and other peripheral items that help them generate revenue, while being able to claim a loss due to the debt of those loans- while getting an increase in valuation due to increase assets.
  8. This is what I have been saying all along.
  9. I actually had to go look. Of the starting goalies in the NHL (top 30 in wins) here is what I found: 1) 9 were taken in the first round\ 2) 6 were taken in the 2nd round (including Bryz) 3) 5 were taken in the 9th round 4) 3 were undrafted Thank god we don't throw away our 9th round picks!!!
  10. I could be off base here, but I am pretty sure it is an avalanche mask (yet, maybe he did not know the rules and posted a non-NHL mask). If it is an Avs mask, should be pretty easy to find. I will guess Semyon Varlamov.
  11. Surely that would be a good way to 'launch' Breezy into the next stratosphere!
  12. Vanflyer

    Scott Laughton

    I was thinking a couple of days ago about the Flyers draft (especially about "ghost"). I kind of lamented the Laughton pick, but the more I here (and especially from first handers like you) about him, it seems he is cut from the Flyer cloth. What I would ask (sans the dirtiness and position), how do you compare him to a Downie?? Three players we have to look forward too: 1) Ghost (too lazy to look up his real name spelling)- D (3rd Round) 2) Nick Cousins- C (2nd rounder) 3) Scott Laughton- C (1st rounder) There is obviously a big problem looming sooner than later for the Flyers (should the NHL ever play a game again) and that is too many centers. Briere will be done or playing wing by the time Cousins / Laughton lace up for the Flyers, but there is Giroux, Schenn (who I think is going to move to wing) and Coots. If Schenn moves to wing, your centermen become: 1) Giroux 2) Coots 3) Cousins / Laughton I like the tenacity that I am reading about both Cousins and Laughton. The big question is it appropriate that either of those guys are relegated to fourth line center? Neither seems destined for that role. You mentioned Laughton size, he is 6'1, so perhaps he just needs to put on some beef.
  13. I can hardly blame him for that. That's where he started his career and played 8 years (nearly half his career) and perhaps his best years as a player. Playing three years with Philly would not sway that (although there are Ian Lappierres of the world that change that view a bit).
  14. Roenick is not a briere. I would argue that we got the same from Roenick (2 of the 3 years he was here, he showed up for two of the playoffs). Same with Cechmanek. You do have to ask yourself that if Cechmanek was that good, why did he only last one season after he left the Flyers?? He has done squat in the euro leagues since leaving the NHL. Just saying he is no Hasek (using that as a comparison from a fellow countryman that was equally unorthodox).
  15. Except for that great OT winner against Toronto!!
  16. Vancouver is at 67M in cap. If the rumors are accurate, they will need to get down to 60K. That means that Luongo will have to be moved.
  17. The biggest thing is that it appears that he is progressing. It will be good to see him on the larger stage. Also, last years experience in the frozen four was great for him. I think the biggest thing is that the Flyers potentially could have pulled of a detroit-type diamond in the rough later round pick (yet, I don't want to jinx anything).
  18. Well, if you are going to suck the teat of a city as Bettman is want to do, might as well suck it all the way!
  19. They wouldn't win the lottery, because the lottery would be held behind close doors if Philly had any ping pong balls.
  20. Very early to tell, but here is a great scouting report posted a couple of days ago: http://flyers.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=647490&cmpid=rss-sanfilippo
  21. The whalers logo is what s throwing you off. It is a pretty cool logo as it embeds the H for hartford the tales whale on top. So, it is I hate Bettman. Since it seems to be all NHL reference, I get most of them, but where does the M in cursive come from??
  22. So they can generate 3B+ in revenue of course!
  23. The mask has to be from the 70's, so I guess we can just go through all the goalies from the Maple Leafs from the 70's: Marv Edwards (was actually going to be my first guess before Jim Rutherford).
  24. I let someone else guess before I guess again.
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