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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. @Digityman I saw on the shout box the other day, a couple of additional streaming sites that were not on my list. I forgot to write them down. Can anyone list these additional sites and I will put them in my file and send an update for the board?? Thanks
  2. P.S. Love lake placid. My father had a cabin on Siranac Lake. Loved to boat and fish there in the summer time.
  3. There actually is an in game chat if you feel so inclined to join in real time. Just look at the Chat & Games tab on the menu bar. Cheers.
  4. Wait until you see how you feel when bobs puts up 25-30 wins this season on a Columbus team.
  5. You just schooled me- and I mean that in the most gentlemanly sense. But how does that rule apply to Goalies? Also, when Myre played for the Canadiens, I believe it was 1971. Was there a different rule then, or was it just a judgement thing. I mean Myre WAS the backup to Dryden on that team.
  6. It is a hefty comparison, but he has all the tools to do it. You summed up my point succinctly in saying he will be better than roo. But in a completely different way. I of course do not have a crystal ball (or else I would not be wrong so often), but I think in 2-3 years time, we will have the best 1-2-3 centers in the league. Schenn is going to be a stud as well, but from a different cloth as G and Coots. The biggest problem is going to be how to get them all enough minutes (Schenn can already willingly play wing). Everyone ooo's and ahhh's at the Malkin / Crosby tandem, but in 2-3 years, they will be equally - if not more so, ooing and ahhing at the G / Coots tandem. Put 5 - 8 more lbs on Coots and watch out.
  7. This is not to bash G, but I think defensively Coturier is better. His stick, positioning and leverage all seem better to me. G is definitely more dynamic offensively in a "forsbergian" sense (to borrow another posters expression). He can wheel and deal in such tight spots like nobody's business. Yet, I do think that Couturier has the smarts to develop the similar on ice vision (3 step ahead) / thinking that G has. Interesting on Trottier. I will have to go look at some video to refresh my memory.
  8. I hate to say it and curse him, but I think he is going to be better than roo in time- but in different ways.
  9. Yup. Particularly NYI, Ottawa and Winnipeg (5, 6, 7th pick). RNH, Hubreua, and Couturier were tagged as the top centers and also the top picks in the draft (with Larsson sometimes flip flopping with Couturier in early rankings). You can't question NJD for taking Larsson's (though with 20 / 20 hind sight and the departure of Parise- you could perhaps raise an eyebrow slightly). But NYI, Ottawa and Peg to take a flier on Couturier because he had mono for half the season (and still was in the top three in scoring) is absurd. I think that Couturier is going to be everything we all had hoped Carter would be (sans the tremendous "high and wide" wrist shot). 70 point a year guy that plays all three zones tremendously well. The Jagr comparison to Ron Francis comes to mind. Also a Joe Sakic comes to mind (again sans the blistering wrist shot).
  10. Great memory. I did not know that trivia fact either. I thought it was classy of the Habs to give him the ring. The cup name thing has been a long standing tradition (if you don't play in the playoffs, you don't get your name). Kind of tough if you are a back-up goalie and Ken Dryden is the starter in his rookie year.
  11. Thank god for Mono- else Couturier would have been a 3rd or 4th overall pick. There is no way he lasts as a defencive specialist! He is far too smart and skilled at the other end of the ice.
  12. Perhaps in his time with Pittsburgh, but prior to that he ran and hid. He had 12 fights in his first 10 NHL seasons. Barely one a year (heck, Giroux averages one fight a year)! I watched him play in Vancouver and he was absolutely despised for his antics. He had to have guys like Brashear protect him. Maybe the last two years the bell has tolled for all his past antics- or nobody on Pittsburgh wanted to be his body guard.
  13. I agree- and truthfully, I think that's right where we would want to be (avoid pitts, NYR and Boston in the first round).
  14. I am pretty sure that one has been done already (but not certain). I will defer to the others. I knows who's it is, but will others take the cracks at it.
  15. good one! was my hint too easy or did you know before the hint??
  16. .....4th out of the east (behind Pitts, NYR and Boston respectively). http://www.tsn.ca/fantasy_news/rankings/nhl/
  17. You really have to ask yourself if Giroux was the catalyst for the Richards / Carter moves. What I mean by this is that the Flyers organization saw / felt that two years ago he was poised to move into the upper echelon and needed to play on a top two line- thus meaning that either Richards or Carter had to go. Knowing that both Richards and Carter had NMC that kicked in July 1, Holmgren knows he has to move on or the other and starts shopping them both to see what he can get for either. LA comes in first because they need a quality second line two-way center. They offer up the best player not playing in hockey, simmonds and a second (nick cousins). Holmgren says done!!! Within two hours, Columbus makes a return phone call and says Voracek and their first rounder. Holmgren hems and haws for about two minutes (he knows he has Giroux and Briere as his top two centers and feels confident that he can sign a gritty third line center in UFA (Talbot). He covets Voracek because he has not had good size and skill on the RW since Knuble left. Bam done!!! Why? All because Giroux showed he was ready to take off. While Carter and Richards have a ring first, neither were the leaders of the band in getting LA that ring. I believe within two years time, those two trades will look so lopsided that everyone will be scratching their heads. The only problem will be that LA is built to last. With their defense and goaltending, they could compete for a cup the next few years. Their big problem last year was putting the puck in the net: until they reached the playoffs. I don't think they can count on that model for success this year in an accelerated season.
  18. @Podein25 's sheep quickly spun their heads around in fear!
  19. hint 1) Has a stanley cup ring, but does not have his name on the stanley cup.
  20. I just typed the same thing (but messed up the A's and gave one to Talbot instead of Harts).
  21. Did you see the article by Charchidi. I am not sure if he is making stuff up again, but he said that Kimmo will be the assistant and that Briere and Talbot will be the Alternates. I always thought the "A" = alternate (or assistant). I never head of a distinction between "alternate" and "assistant" when wearing the "A".
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