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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Seriously, I think it is way too early to draw those comparisons. Schenn has 1A in 2 games and is a +1. He is playing 14 minutes a night. Kadri, 2g (pp) and is a +/- of 0 playing 12 and a 1/2 minutes a night. What I do know is that when Schenn has played in the AHL, he lights it up (over a PPG) and clearly is too skilled for that league. Kadri meanwhile has vascilated when in the AHL (sometimes good, sometimes not so good).
  2. Bob second star tonight against you wings. He looked pretty darn good and got beat by a marvelous goal in the shoot out. In two games he has shined (he should have gotten a star in the win against nashville). He has a .938 sv pctg in two games and got 3-out-4 points. His save pctg in the shoot out is .900 (9 out of 10), which is pretty damn impressive. Nice come back win by Detroit.
  3. I thought the asst gm guy who just stepped down is in charge of defense?
  4. The NHL does not own center ice. They are paid rights to broadcast games. I actually thought it was NHL.com streaming package that was going to be free, but that is a fallacy as well.
  5. And then there is our old friend bobrosky winning in nashville in a shoot out (6 rounds no less) and posting a .941 save percentage.
  6. The problem is that I think bob would be wasted as a backup. I think he needs to start in order to get better. Breezy does not seem like the kind of goalie that platoons very well. He needs lots of games. So, you are at a quagmire. I would have rather kept bob, platooned him with Breezy and then buy out breezy next summer (if for not other reason than the size and length of his contract).
  7. I am not a breezy defender by any means, but please list all the "money" goalies that would have won us either of the games. Seriously. The SC winning goalie got shellacked last night. The next coming of Brodeur (Schneider) got shellacked last night. What you want is for your goalie to give you a chance. Breezy did that in both games.
  8. Breezy did not lose us either of these games. I actually think he has been solid in both games.
  9. Laughtons try out is going well. While we all wanted Matta, it is hard to argue the flyers scouting in getting another rookie about to jump right to the bigs out of draft.
  10. I think he is younger, more athletic, cheaper, but more raw. For all those reasons, I would have kept him. There was some scuttlebut that despite being compatriots, they did not get along at all. Breezy would not even talk to him for weeks at a time.
  11. He will win more than breezy.
  12. I am fine with that. I would rather there be really good ice (hello Edmonton) than entertaining me for 5 minutes. The entertainment is mostly for the kids anyway and at the cost of the tix prices, I can find other ways to entertain my kids for 5 minutes if it means a better sheet of ice and subsequent higher quality of hockey.
  13. You are joking right?? The season just started. If they can not handle two games in less than 24 hours and an hour charter plane ride, then they should not be making the millions that they do.
  14. I completely understand. It is interesting the difference between a live game and the mental processing that goes on versus watching on tv.
  15. I read in the CBA cliff notes that between period entertainment is reduced from 5 minutes to 4 minutes. There is another stipulation in that regard, but I forget what it is. The jist I get of it is to allow more time for the ice to set.
  16. Yes, he has too. Breezy is going to play 40 of the 48 IMHO. He can handle the load in an abbreviated season.
  17. While certainly not his fault, can we start the "Breezy" buyout watch now?? ha ha !!
  18. I saw that too. overall I agree with your critique. DGG gave me way too many rums before the game, but how did Laughton look??
  19. Interesting. What was the weather in Philly like (not that it should have that much of an impact in the middle of winter). Doesn't the new CBA also cut the between festivities down by one minute in order to give higher quality ice?
  20. I actually really like the "accelerated" schedule. Thats the way it used to be in the 80's. No time to wallow in the mire. Get back on the horse and go. Like everyone else already stated, it was a decent game except for not showing up in the first period (how that could happen is beyond me). If I was lavi, I would have a slogan on the door of the dressing room door that says "60 minutes starts here" as they leave to take the ice. I get frustrated with 40 minute hockey games. I have played enough serious hockey to know how it goes like that, but still.
  21. You are working way too hard. But- as always, thank you. Let me know if I can do anything additional. The russian site is an excellent one for those that are abroad. (Live.ru.en).
  22. Not for nothing, but Crosby put up nearly the identical numbers- and in the same games match up. Meaning, both of them had a tremendous game in the 10-3 blow out, but otherwise they were meaningless (or shut down). Neal was the guy that was MVP on pitts for that series.
  23. Four points were on the PP. 3 points (1g / 2a) came in the 10-3 blowout. Take that game away, and Malkin had 5 points and a -5 in the other 5 games. None of his goals were GW or GT. So, pretty much he was a non-factor.
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