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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Ryan at 5M+ or Knuble at 750K? Hmmmmm I like Ryan, but not for what it would cost (certainly one of our centers).
  2. Is it the Flyers or all teams? What I mean is that do we (you, others and I) notice to be a particular trend with the Flyers because we are fans of the team and scrutinize them particularly?
  3. Totally agree. At times I feel Lawyer-ish in how statistics can be manipulated to make your case (either in the positive or negative, depending on which side you are arguing). All that said, it is fun (at least for me- and perhaps Aziz) to use to manipulate and argument. Perhaps not so much for Kuato!
  4. In hind sight (knowing that Pronger is LTIR's and probably shelved for his career), do you do that trade again? As an Anaheim GM, I certainly do (even without Sbisa potential).
  5. That would be like a super-heroes signing. Moyer = elastic man.
  6. Thanks for elaborating. I was too lazy to look at the context of the earlier thread. I am still on the fence about the CORSI factors- but your point is valid in that flat numbers do not accurately depict reality when assessing a players ability against another player. It would be interesting to see what arbitrators use.
  7. Just don't go and do a bull rush at the start of your meetings. That for sure will cause problems- especially if one of your co-workers last name is Stevens.
  8. Especially considering how they struggled so hard on offence during the regular season and then the switch flipped in the playoffs.
  9. Or goalies mask or the oppositions goalies mask?
  10. coming from you, thank you. I appreciate that.
  11. What about the contract spot? Where are we with that (ie. what number)?
  12. I did not know that. I guess him tearing up the Czech league did not "warm" up his groins enough for the NHL (that sounds dirty, but not the way I intended it).
  13. Allot of work by you to look that up. Wouldn't save pctg have done equal justice in research (and easier to support your case)?
  14. Really? I did not know that. I am too lazy to look it up, but can you tell me what his stats are in SO's prior to this year?
  15. You put him there for a warm body (and his defensive abilities), not for his Fred Flintstone attributes.
  16. I will start this (@Digityman / @hf101 feel free to move or squelch). Nearly the first week has been completed (one more day and 7 games to go). Surprises: 1) Idahophilly has three wins(?) 2) Some new comers on top of the leader board. 3) The usual suspects picking correctly again. 4) After an abysmal 3-8 first day start, Vanflyer resurrects to be in the "money" (of course this post is all about me). In all seriousness, good to have this as an attraction on the forum. Thanks to Digity and HF for their efforts to make this work and to have extracurricular fun.
  17. Interesting points. I don't know. When I played (granted- not near the NHL level), I was always game to get going in the first period. During warm-ups, I knew when I was going to fly to start (or not). Once the game started, sometimes whatever told my brain I would be ready to go would not execute. But in the second and especially the third all things connected. Multiply that by 18 skaters.
  18. So on one of side of the coin, the players have been turned over, on the other side of the coin the coaches have been turned over as well. So- is it a phenomenon or just the nature of ALL teams?
  19. They did tonight. I was so pissed after the Devs game (remember i said bag skate?). When I played serious hockey, we would come out flat sometimes, I get it. But these are guys making millions. I guess my point is it is not the coach. It has been going on for a long time. By the way- did you see what Thornton and Marleau are doing in SJS?
  20. Not for nothing, but isn't Hartnell a LW? Simmonds and Knuble are both RW's. Knuble is going to be a role player. Truthfully, I would put Wellwood up there. You could put rusty up there too, but Wellwood would be my choice. His speed alone and defensive responsibility would be enough for me.
  21. 1.2 ppg at the ahl level tells me yes. I would also say that the Richards trade was this: 1) Schenn 2) Simmonds 3) Grossman (the second we sent to dallas was via the Richards deal). I would do that trade every day of the week and twice on sunday.
  22. A tumor on the spinal chord is no small matter. Not one team, but two teams doctors said they would not do it. There are significant liability issues in such an operation. I just lost a ton of respect for simon. He has multi-millions of dollars and if he knew he had this problem and did not tack care of it himself, than eff off. Ask yourself a question- if you know you have a tumor in your neck / spinal chord region, would you take care of it regardless of your employers doctors opinions when you are a gazzilionaire? Dick (gagne - not you).
  23. Is a UBI anything similar to a UTI? If so, we are in trouble!
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