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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. What kind of MOBO was your friend using and what kind of Monitor?? I do agree with Canoli in trying to just do a bare bones test. You never did answer if you were able to see anything (ie get into BIOS)?
  2. Yeah, but the ram would not go defunct just on switching cards. : Aziz comments on static are interesting- particularly if done in the winter time (where you see allot of static).
  3. No chance with EDIC on the monitor??
  4. I am not sure going to your buddies is and putting the card in there is going to be the best thing to do. I would take it to where you purchased it and see if they have a "test" machine they can put it into. Do you see anything at all (even bios options on boot up)?? Did you do a back-up restore disk??
  5. That was not a gamble, just an easy hockey play. The winger was going up the boards to the point and Gervais had enough sense to see the open spot and slide down. To that extent and not to poo poo your overall comment (most of which I agree with), I would like to see more of that kind of rotation. The only problem is that you have to trust that your winger is going to be able to handle your d-responsibilities should things go awry.
  6. I prefer that an owner (particularly one with a long tenure and sits on the board of governors) handles this stuff appropriately. By that, I don't mean lashing out to the media- but doing so in the proper channels that are set up by the board. If such a thing can not be handled in that manner, particularly like a guy like snider who has not just a vested interest in his team making money, or a bias one way or another- but a simple sheer love for the sport, then surely all is lost on an rationale of keeping / making the league legit.
  7. I would go that far. Inconsistency, definitely but I would find it hard to say anti-flyer bias. Especially where Ed Snider sits in the pecking order of the board of governors (the ones that give guys like Shanny their jobs).
  8. This is from Puck Daddy: • Supplementary discipline that results in fines can go up to $10,000 for the first offense and up to $15,000 for each and every one after that. Still not even a slap on the wrist for offenses that don't warrant suspension. There will also be a neutral third party if a player chooses to appeal a suspension of 6 games or more. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I thought there was something else with a neutral party and also a player rep (ie. a governing board made up of NHL, neutal and NHLPA, but I could not find on a cursory look-see.
  9. Exactly- players need to be punished based on intent. This was an obvious intent to inure and avoid an honest hockey play by simmonds. If he did not want to take the hit, he should have just wimped out and pulled up. Instead he decides a flying elbow to the nose is a more appropriate play.
  10. Thats what I don't like. The intent is what should determine the suspension. Not the result.
  11. Nice to see some objectivity from a home town fan of the R&W.
  12. Seven goalies played more regular season games than MAF last year- including two other goalies that were in the playoffs (one of which was the conne smythe / stanley cup winner).
  13. wouldn't you rather win a game legitimately than with such a weak call?
  14. heard the refs stole this one with an extremely weak call against backes.
  15. I just hate the result is what determines the suspension. If simmonds gets up and plays the rest of the game, there would be little said (even though the intent was clear to injure) outside of the flyer world. That said, the rinaldo fight was just plane stupid. You go after the player that caused the infraction later in the game. Not someone that had nothing to do with it- of off a face-off no less!
  16. What a chump play- instead of manning up and taking the shoulder to shoulder hit- he throws the elbow going full speed. That is similar to the elbow that Preems took against montreal that ended his career. Knowing shanny- it might get a game. Since simmonds was injured, perhaps more.
  17. I agree. I would be interested in seeing what the new compensation rules are for signing RFA's.
  18. A couple of questions: 1) Did you uninstall all the old drivers from your old graphics card? 2) Did you look at your bios to make sure that it will detect the video card (sounds silly- but you never know). Also, 750w for your PSU- while strong enough, is a bit unnecessary (650W would have more than done the job).
  19. Bump- Want to just have Bert post a new mask?
  20. Bryzgalov basket. Fixed it for you. Truthfully, I would just try and sign him to an offer sheet and keep the extortion that Lombardi will try and extract. Holmgren and Co. certainly did not do their due-diligence on the Richards trade. Had they known that LA was interested in Richards, it should have been before the Breezy trade / deal and the Richards trade should have been for Bernier and maybe simmonds (a pick may have had to go to LA as well).
  21. He still there (and is coaching the PP) as Berube is still coaching the PK.
  22. You are not going to win many hockey games when you 1.16 goals scored per game (aside from the 7 goal blow out of Florida).
  23. I thought that was Mike "NachoMan" York?
  24. 1) When you boot up are you able to see bios at all?? 2) Have you tested the new card where you purchased it (or on another machine)? 3) What kind of video card is it and what kind of mother board are you using? What kind of monitor are you using? 4) Some monitors have a corrupt EDID (external display identification device from some nVidia cards.
  25. It would be interesting to see how many game winning goals are scored 5-on-5 vs. PP / PK.
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