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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Nice post. To add to that, if you watch him in post games interviews- is smart, articulate and matter of fact. Additionally, if you hear / read what his teammates say about him, its all you need to know. I will take G as C 7 days a week and twice on Sunday over Richards (and his 39 points / -2: Brayden Schenn and Wayne Simmonds are smirking at him). What a lopsided trade!!!!
  2. Fair enough. Its has always been that way and your post only supports my point. Everyone says that Hockey is Canadas game, but the reality (at least at the NHL), is that its Americas game as they are the country that supports the league. See my post to Jammer, that further illustrates both demographics / support. When I lived in Canada (10 years), the Canada dollar was .64 to the US. Not to get into economics too much, but when the dollar is weak, exports excel (more jobs).
  3. I get that, but my point was about volume. While I don't have any statistical proof / evidence, I would argue that the SAME amount of people in US watch hockey as in Canada. The current census has Canada at 35M in population, while US is 350 million. So, I could argue that if even 10% of USA follows hockey, that would be equal to the entire Canadian nation watching hockey. And on the gold medal game, 80% of the USA tvs were turned on to USA v. Russia in 1980. Just saying. You know I am half / half (canadian / american), so I am not trying to diss Canada. Not to completely derail the topic (okay, perhaps I am trying), but go to the NHL leader board for all categories. You will see its nearly a 50 / 50 split between USA and Canada on the best players in the NHL. Lastly (I just can not resist), Canada's national sport is Lacrosse, not ice hockey. Cheers my friend. VF
  4. Good points. But he has to start A game, so which do you choose?
  5. Completely disagree. He has never been known for that kind of play. You speak of his skates being planted, so what? He is entitled to make whatever kind of play he wands (dead stop, pivot, pass, etc.). Orpiks responsibility it to not drill him when he sees the numbers like that. I get mad when players intentionally put themselves in a vulnerable positions, but that was not the case with this play and not the style that coots plays.
  6. I am not sure I get this. The Canadian dollar has been strong for a long time now. If your talking GNP / imports / exports perhaps (as the dollar goes up, the economy is impacted- particularly on goods).
  7. FC and I are not in agreement (well sort of). His point was that Simmonds, Read and Giroux's contracts were all in favor of the club. I argued back that all three were market value. But we both derailed the topic on the astounding money that the players get paid.
  8. We wont agree on this one. In todays NHL, there are two things: 1) If you see the numbers, you can not hit. 2) If a player is 3 feet off the boards, you can not hit. I get what you are saying, and agree that both players have a responsibility in the play, but by the letter of the law, the attacking forward has a enormous accountability there. That is exactly the kind of play that the league is trying to do away with. If Coots has a broken jaw / nose or concussion, do you feel the same way?
  9. Pitts won the 2nd period. The third was a split (imho). To late and too little. The bottom line is that the Pens did not show up for the first 15-20 (an affliction that the Flyers have too- on any given period).
  10. Not for nothing, but......http://www.nhl.com/ice/player.htm?id=8451245#&navid=nhl-search
  11. You mean like this?? www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNxvV2jt_IA Or like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-NXbpf0Er0 Or like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbTAYukpv8I Or like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py5a999-rqA Or like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5CU8L0kwwg Seriously, I agree 100% with everything you stated.
  12. In my day of playing (pee wee mind your), I would do exactly what Crosby did and say "we have your number" and skate away. Its a clean play- but sends the message that says "tit-for-tat". Its all about sticking up for your teammate. Would have been nice to see someone do that when Coots got drilled into the boards. THAT actually warranted immediate retaliation.
  13. Maybe I am old school, but I would do exactly what Crosby did. Bartuzzo, no (because that was just stupid). It was a clean play- but if I am on the opposing team, I am going to give a "nudge" and say "keep your head up, pay backs mf'er". Its just part of the game.
  14. Truthfully, that is his / their market value (both Read and Simmonds). For once, the Flyers are paying exactly on par with that the market value is. Given that, what does not show up (and to your point), is the compete level both bring. That is an intangible that can not be ignored and does not show up on the score sheet. Truthfully, I think both gave a bit of a home team discount (10% I would say). Particularly Simmonds. He does a tremendous amount of charity work for impoverished kids in the city. Its a long stretch from LA. I also think (despite our pissing and moaning about the old man), speaks volumes about the organization. At the end of the day, its a great place to play pro hockey (ref: Kimmo Timmonen).
  15. G's current deal was actually a decent one. Its and escalating contract. When he signed it, the Flyers were under enormous cap pressure and had both Richards and Carter in the fold. He is getting paid 5M this year. But if you look at the circumstance when he signed his initial 3 year extension, it makes sense. Next year he will be the 3rd highest player in the league (Crosby #1 and Parise #2). I like the progression of his contracts and think its 100% on par with the market and his value.
  16. Fixed it for you. Also, don't forget to poop scoop if your dog is in the vicinity of the arena.
  17. What team starting him does sound wise? I actually like the idea because he played for them and knows the shooters pretty well. I do like the hot hand idea, but I also think Mason needs a little bit of a rest. Their are no gimme's down the stretch, so you have to get Emery in there at some point.
  18. 1) On the team count thing, I was thinking that too. General mathmatics would predicate that and so truthfully its not a fair argument. 2) I agree that there are viable markets in Canada (though I do snicker a bit at Quebec City, only because of what happened to the Nordiques). I agree 100% that there should not be NHL teams in non-hockey climates. But there are exceptions to that rule. I think Nashville, Dallas and San Jose are good examples of how it can work. The success of those franchises are in larch part due to owners willing to spend and proper management put in place. Teams like Tampa (despite their cup win), Florida, Phoenix are the counter example. As a side note, I think Seattle is a great location for expansion- that is not to diminish your ideas, but to put another team on that corridor would be great. But it would have to be a relocation (ie. Phoenix), not a new team. One of the biggest reasons (which not applicable currently) of the majority teams being in the US is twofold: a) The value of the USD. While the Canadian / USD are currently on par, in the past there has been a significant disparity. b) TV contracts. I love CBC / Rogers, etc., but they do not pay the billions of dollars that Comcast / NBC does. 3) Canada does breathe hockey- no doubt about it. But so do many US regions. Despite the geographical size, Canada consists of 33M+ in population. I could easily argue that proportionately the US supports / breathes hockey equally as much as Canada. 4) Maple Leafs- I was talking a bit out my ass there, but I just think of all the Canadian teams, they are the ones that have the best chance to succeed (currently). The Bernier deal and rise of JVR / Kessel solidifies this in my mind. They are still erratic and sloppy at times, but on any given night, can beat any team in the league. Cheers VF
  19. I just don't see the Rangers game as "taking away" points. The Devils game for sure, but not the Rangers game. Just my dense opinion.
  20. Actually given the personnel of Pitts, its a pretty good idea. I think Laviolette has an expiration date, but his run and gun uptempo approach would serve pitts very well. Particularly considering the depleted defensive core.
  21. I agree. Yet when you see baseball players getting contracts for 25M a year, it puts it into perspective. Granted they play a ton of games, but to make that money to stand around and watch grass grow half the time is appalling to me (particularly the ones that make Byfuglien look svelte).
  22. Agree, but he is just such a douche bag. I lived in Colorado. What kind of man hits a woman? I have met him. That said, Sakic for GM of the year.
  23. I did not like the devils game call. I have respected your posts for a long time, but the whine you post above? Really?
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