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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. I could see this if it was Masons make up to over react. I can't speak of his Columbus days, but what I have watched of him in Philly and just hearing him speak and his personality, I firmly believe there is not "acting" as part of his make-up of a player.
  2. Hmmmm, 10 years of bitching about a cowardice play by the best player in the world, or $5000k fine for lucic. I am not sure if you are being tongue in cheek or not. But from my view- while I hate that crosby play that he will never live down, its not his normal MO- whereas it is becoming more and more Lucics. Lindros did some nasty stuff too, and as Yave was saying, I really liked that about his game (he also paid the price). But for me, there is nowhere in the game of hockey its okay to spear / punch or otherwise to anything to a players manhood.
  3. I am surprised it did not remind you of Crosbys nut sack punch from behind.
  4. Thats an interesting perspective since you are a fan of the inflicted team for that play. I am old school too, but there is a line I draw at spearing the balls from behind.
  5. Again, I don't think Seabrook had any malicious intent there. It has NEVER been part of his game. You are over exaggerating on assuming Seabrook wanted to separate Backes head from shoulders. Seabrook made a hockey play- a tough one. 3-2 playoff hockey game. The best player for St Louis (or one of the best) is skating from behind the net with the puck. As an opposing player, I want to punish (not hurt) that player. Given the speed of the game, I don't think there was a single thought in Seabrooks head that said- oh, he's got his head down, I am going to crush him. I think it was, here he comes from behind the net, I am going to separate him from the puck.
  6. I wouldn't. Seriously, I really would not. Would I be bummed, sure. This kind of shite did not happen in the 70's / 80's. Do you know why? Because the league was not pussified to take accountability / responsibility from the players. I could go on a rant and start with the instigator rule as problematic to the allot of the problems today. I could put on my best don cherry suit and start talking about the "armor" that the players were these days. At the end of the day, in a playoff game in any professional league (not talking about pee wees), I make that hit every day of the week. But thats me.
  7. The problem FR is that we get to watch the reply in milliseconds. The play happened at full speed. Good hit and shame on backes (whom I really like as a player) for not protecting himself (particularly in a playoff game that was slipping away). I will say the same thing for the Lindros-Stevens hit (while I think that was a dirty hit by stevens), Lindros was completely irresponsible for not protecting himself.
  8. **** that. I don't have a dog in this fight for the series, but I am just pissed that this kind of play is no longer considered a good hockey play (which it was). I don't want to see Backes hurt and I don't think Seabrook did either. BUT, Backes was irresponsible coming out behind his net and staring at his feet. I would nail him (or any player) that did that play. Particularly a playoff game. It sucks that it might cost Chi the game.
  9. Great hit. Backes has accountability and responsibility there. He jumbled the puck- his fault, but he has to know where he is and be responsible to protect himself.
  10. The intelligent thought would be to suggest double shifting (not saying RJ is not). But that is a double edge sword and being a game down does not warrant that (yet). Also, there were many passengers in game one- so as "underwhelming" as giroux was in game one, there is plenty of that pie to go around.
  11. Agreed. The thing that gets under my craw is I thought the first period was pretty evenly matched and that the flyers played the physical game they needed to. In the second, they got away from that and let the Rangers run and gun, which the Flyers will lose 8 out of 10 IMO. So, in my mind, the Flyers played a 20 minute hockey game. Allot of people will say, well, until the Akeson double minor, blah blah blah. But the truth was that if it was a boxing match, the Rangers were well ahead on the score card at that point.
  12. Really?? Why do you think that V. won't just move his top line against Giroux?? Its kind of an idiotic thought in my mind. Everyone knows that the Flyers go as Giroux goes, regardless "first" or "fourth" line. AV will just move his matchups accordingly.
  13. Emery was fine in game one. I want Mason, but Mason would not have won game one for the Flyers.
  14. Only by the grace of Emery. The game was tilted to the rangers in the second. You are not going to win a hockey game when you are losing the shots / possession the way the Flyers where. There were spurts for sure, but Rangers had the possession game 2/3 of the time after the first and the shots reflect that. We (Flyers) got away from the hitting after the first. We can not run and gun with the Rangers. We need to bang them.
  15. Agreed. If bobs can't steal a game agains Pitts, it will be over quickly (not sure if that is good or bad).
  16. I think columbus did have some jitters after Pitts put the gas pedal down. Also, there was at least one goal that Bob would like back (probably could say the same for Fleury). Pitts is the better team, but I don't think its going to be a route of a series. Meanwhile, I do think the NYR-Flyers will be. Calling a spade a spade.
  17. A bit extreme don't you think? Also, given the first game, I think you can see why 41% think that way. If Bobs plays better and CBJ doesn't get the jitters in the 2nd / 3rd, they win that first game.
  18. I agree, but traditionally, the Western conference is more of a free flowing game and the Easter is a ground and pound game. I thought yesterdays pitts game was a great example of that. I did not watch the Dallas game so can't use a comparable.
  19. He needs a few pounds. His game sense, intelligence is already there. I was pretty impressed about the pace of the NCAA frozen four. To my eye, it was same as an AHL game. So, if Ghost can be that far ahead of those (14 draft picks for the Gophers), than he is close to ready for prime time. BUT, he needs 15 pounds. I am not in a hurry.
  20. I really agree with this. I really like him- particularly his physical play.
  21. I agree with everything you wrote. The team wants to win and the ownership wants to win. Jettison Grossman and his 3.5 and keep Timmo for 2.5 - 3M if he still wants to play. Call it a net game. Thats no disrespect to Grossman. But, as I am not writing the checks, I view Timmo in the same light as Desjardin. Most of us don't know what goes on behind the doors and he has been a warrior in that regard.
  22. You are being too kind. He has not skated a shift in the last 3 games for Pitts. douche bag (not you). I like the pens posters (Polaris particularly), but an effing bush league play. Its a dead horse, but lets see what Pitts has to say when Boll makes the same play!!!
  23. A tough game. The better team won, but your boys better finish it fast, or else you will be worn out. I think Columbus will lose the series, but not without leaving their mark on Pitts- which will not bode well past the first round.
  24. You and I have been good friends over the years, but how can you say his time has come to an end??? While I agree don't spend the money, he has gas in the tank. If the point is to open a roster spot for a developing player, fine. But considering he is still in the top 3 of d-men on this team, its insulting to him. As far as coaching type of thing. Never. He wants to go raise his boys, and that is not in the USA.
  25. I was thinking the same thing. Which means to me, shoot, crash, shoot crash- just don't get sloppy and let it go back the other way. The Flyers will win the PK special teams. If they can win the PP special teams, they will win. I think 5-on-5 the Flyers can match- particularly with VLC on that 4th line. Their can't be any bird-dogging by the Rangers with him there.
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