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Everything posted by Vanflyer

  1. Seals were enslaved?? How did that work out??
  2. I don't mind that. While I think its still petty, it goes to the adage if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all. But lucic talking trash in the line is garbage. I mean shite, even guys like Hextall and Clarke (whom both hated to lose) still had the gumption to go through the line.
  3. I don't want a financier as my GM. No problem as a consultant or other complimentary role under the GM, but not equal or above. As you stated, I want a talent evaluator and puzzle solver. Ever see that movie about the oakland a's. The one guy was a numbers cruncher / statistician and the GM was an ex-player. True story.
  4. Its not going to happen that fast (well, I could be rong). Need to get the GM first. Wonder who is doing the post-season interviews.
  5. Good irony / sarcasm. Do you or others know what happens if a player retires under contract (not injury related) to the cap? For me personally, I have started to get the feeling that when Hartnell sees diminishing returns, he will walk away (to eat popcorn with Homer).
  6. Nobody plays to lose. In one video, Lucic seemed pretty chocked up. But, c'mon ever since pee wee you always shake hands and EVERY team management from that level on up teaches respect. Its one of the greatest things about the sport I love. I have had to shake players hands that I hated during the game. But if they beat me, they beat me. 99.1 percent of those players had nice things to say and .9 % grumbled something kind of like respect. This is a weird playoff for hockey. I have seen some things I have never before.
  7. I agree with this. Also, he has good size and is not afraid to get to the dirty areas when he can. Also, if given the opportunity to bang, he will. I guess- as a flyers fan, opine on a Hartnell v. Umby? For me personally, while Umberger played her under hitch, I will take Hartnell. Money is the same and what I know about leadership, Hartnell wins.
  8. My thoughts 2 years back was that Crosby should be moved (a- because of his marketability and b- because of his knoggin). Turns out I was right on point b. They should have done it then. I am sure there is a Regis / Bettemen understory here, but not dirty enough to go dig it up.
  9. This is kind of the side bar thing I was alluding too. Is it really worth it to have two like that? At what point to do you fish and cut bait? I actually was advocating (side are GM side) that I thought they should have moved one of the two two years ago. I think Malkin plays much better without Crosby in the line-up (ie. he carries that weight). I also think having the two gives an easy out for the coach. I think Malkin / Crosby on the same line is not good. I don't have anything substantial to add to that thought other than it just seems like eggs in one basket. Move one and get 3 players, a pick and cap relief. Flower was not the problem this year.
  10. Interesting angle and one I would have never thought of. I guess the question that I would raise is if that is true, than the horse collar fully would fall around Shero and no accountability to Blysma. While not as stark as the Bill Barber / Rechhi / Primeaue thing, when your stud player is yelling at your couch, there is a problem. It should be the OTHER way around (particularly given Crosbys play for this playoffs).
  11. Fair enough (would argue experience / balance / stud, but will take a flyer- no pun intended). A malkin move could get you a sand paper third liner (which Pitts needs) a second liner and / or prospect - high pick. Do it??
  12. There-in lies the riddle. Why wait. As I stated before, Vignaulte out coached Berube of the Flyers and he also just really did a number on Blysma (at least with Berube, the players did not quite). Lest I might also add that pittsburgh thought the first round matchup with columbus as going to be ho-hum. Those two series are head rollers. Just I always thought shite rolls down stream first (most of the time). You all know better, but I have to think Blysma is numbered as well (same as Torts in Van). The thing I notice most is that you pitts fans piss and moan allot more about Blysma, yet there is more leniency towards Shero. In the end, its an interesting chance of scenery for allot of folks.
  13. While I don't want him back, I have to say how impressed I was with Carter. I truthfully thought he was better than Richards.
  14. Yup. What that confirms is what we on the outside already suspect: Selanne is not just a great hockey player, but a great person. I have never seen that before (not even for Gretzky / Messiere / Bourque, etc- not to say they were not class acts).
  15. Both are very smart hockey guys. The Preds have drafted the best d-men in the last decade (to their picks). That is what Pitts needs. Many poo poo Trotz as a "defensive" style coach, but he has never been given the assets to show the other side (one line is not enough). Bring in Trotz, trade malkin for weber and be done with it. Another stanley cup for Pitts.
  16. I would say no. To me, Thornton is crosby esque, just different (and truthfully softer). Meaning that Crosby can score, but his forte' is play making and making the players around him better. I think the same of Thornton. Also, I don't like the age difference. Thornton is getting long on the tooth. For me, for a "malkin", I move him and letang (need to get that albatross off the team) for 2 tier two (second line) players and a grit third line player. The only mano-o-mano trade I would do for a "malkin" is Weaber-Malkin. The money makes sense and the needs make sense (ie. Nash needs offense and Pitts needs an anchor on d).
  17. The other part of this is that there are qualified candidates available. If you keep holding onto the anchor (the head coach) too long, you will lose your life raft. If I was a pitts fan, I could care less where DFB lands and would be hot on the trail for Trotz. I would do it yesterday. He is the perfect coach for the pens.
  18. While I know that Shero has made mistakes, when your marquee ("best in the world) player is on the bench screaming at the coach, how does he (Blysma) not get axed first?? It reminds me a bit of the Van situation (fired GM first, then coach after). For me its a bit ingenious to not fire both at the same time. 9 times out of 10 the new GM is going to release the head coach. I mean c'mon, you fire the GM for losing, that losing is a direct responsibility of the head coach / players. In Pitts situation, everyone knows that a large part of their losing is due to the lack of versatility / adjustments by the coach.
  19. St Louis has a ring. Its Briere's time. Truthfully, I don't think anyone is going to beat Chicago. They put it on cruise control half the time and still win.
  20. If you knock off the big boys (bruins), you have to be favored no matter what. The only edge the Rangers have is a bit more rest. I hate the Rangers (devils) style, so I am rooting for the Habitants all the way (plus, I would just like to see a Canadian team in the SCF). Also, say what you want about price, but all comers would shut their mouths if he garnished a Gold Medal and Stanley Cup ring in the same year (has that ever been done??).
  21. But dan IS the problem (well at least a significant part of it). I said on a similar / separate thread that Dan was out-coached by Vigneault. Berube was as well, but not nearly as bad as Blysma. The skill level of Pitts is one of the best in the league (at least the top two lines (and I am one of the too top heavy people).
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