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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. Bernier won't cost the Flyers anything. He was traded to the Leafs for Matt Frattin, goaltender Ben Scrivens and Toronto's second round pick in either the 2014 or 2015
  2. No hearing for Boychuck http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=426130
  3. Gary Thorne was under contract with ESPN to call hockey games. When ESPN dropped out of the bidding to broadcast NHL games, Thorne moved on to baseball and college football. Did you know he was a lawyer?
  4. @Boston, This post from Aziz makes the most sense of all. I'm not a soccer fan, but I understand they use the point system, too.
  5. Mike Emrick used to work for the Flyers in the '80s and early '90s. The Flyers decided not to renew his contract after the '92-'93 season. Essentially like being fired. That's where his hatred of the Flyers comes from.
  6. @Boston, Well, I don't know for sure but I would think that it has something to do with the tie game (pre-shootout). How do you figure out a winning percentage with tie games?
  7. I stand corrected on the plates & screws issue. This is the first I've heard they were used.
  8. While I consider ANY broken jaw serious, I don't believe his was AS serious as it was made out to be. If it was as you described, he would have needed screws and/or a plate. I just read that he had 4 dental surgeries, not surgery on the jaw bone itself.
  9. Suspend?!? Seriously? Probably should have been a 2 min for roughing but nothing more. I personally think they were being overly cautious with Sid & this injury. He had surgery and was interviewed less than a week later and showed no signs of swelling, jaw was not wired shut, etc. Not doubting that he was injured, just don't believe it was near as bad as the team & (probably more) the media made it out to be. The surgery was probably done by an oral surgeon (dentist) cleaning up the broken teeth and doing root canals. No screws, no plates, etc. Crosby was healed from that injury and playing without a face shield. That kind of stuff happens during the course of a hockey game and happens to all players. Get over it.
  10. I couldn't view the video. I need flashplayer or something. I was able to find this on Youtube...
  11. It's way too early to pin a mistake on Homer. We have to wait and see if Ericksson develops into anything first. Let's re-examine in about 5 yrs.
  12. Wouldn't it be funny if that is not true!
  13. The Bruins are the 2nd most physical team with the 2nd best goalie the Hawks will face. The Hawks are too fast and can handle the physical part of the Bruins game. Blackhawks in 6.
  14. Agree with the Matt Read part. I believe he has reached his potential. Brayden Schenn has not reached his potential and could possibly turn into a very good to superstar player. Tougher to get rid of him. Couts is slow. Trade him now because his value will never be higher. Teams will realize that and his value will plummet. I'm not sold on Bernier. I haven't seen him play enough to pass judgment. My gut tells me that Luongo will be bought out this summer and could be signed to replace Bryz at a cheaper price tag (2.5-3 mm). He is a very good tender that had a little bit of a tough time in Vancouver behind a talented, but soft team. He could prosper in the right situation.
  15. I believe this falls under the "Honesty is the best policy" category.
  16. @brelic, I think it is more about protecting the players' eyes. Marc Staal, Manny Malholtra, & Chris Pronger all had eye injuries with prolonged effects/recovery times. None of them were wearing a visor but probably would have escaped (eye) injuries if they were.
  17. What exactly are they reviewing these for? If there is blood, its 4 mins.
  18. It may not be possible to retro-fit the arenas now, but who knows? Maybe a genius architect incorporated that into the design. I would think they have to consider all possibilities when designing. So, just thinking outside the box and not trying to hijack...Do the arena football, indoor lacross, indoor soccer then adopt the wider playing surface, too?
  19. I don't think any of the his were suspension worthy. Bolland DID NOT leave his feet. If you disagree, watch the video (again). It looks like he is off balance but his left foot is on the ice through the contact. There is no difference in this hit than all the Kronwall hits. Cooke's hit was a borderline 5 and a game, probably should only have been a 2 min penalty. McQuaid came back in the game so there was no injury (using Shanny's criteria). Marchand's hit...give me a break. Not even close to a suspension. The hit wasn't perpendicular to the boards, it was angled...almost parallel. Neal had the exact same hit behind the net on Seidenberg earlier in the game and didn't get a penalty.
  20. I only root for one team. Theay aren't playing so I'm with Sarsippius. I'm an interested observer.
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