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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. I'm gonna say the NHL ignores their own rule book and suspends him for the remainder of the series. 2 - 4 games.
  2. Great minds...Here is what I posted in the shout box at the same time you posted this. "Great show of respect from the LA Kings to salute Selane after the game. Milan Lucic take note."
  3. If the Flyers qualify him, they own his rights for one year if he decides to return to the NHL. It doesn't matter how old he is. He was qualified as a RFA. He does not become a UFA until he plays out the RFA contract.
  4. @OccamsRazor, Don't sugar coat it! Tell us how you really feel!!
  5. Doco, I think you mean Justin Schultz. I heard/read Oilers fans complaining about his soft play this year. He only had 30 hits in 74 games this year. 45 hits in 122 NHL games in his career. Soft. No thanks.
  6. @cheberly603, Stick around and you will learn all kinds or useless trivia and bullshit. Emphasis on the bullshit!! Lol
  7. Wait...So the sky really isn't falling? The whole team isn't getting traded or bought out? What a relief!!
  8. @cheberly603, Welcome! You kind of answered your own question. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, they didn't have digital, count down clocks. They used a stop watch which later evolved into a large stadium (stop watch style) clock. It wasn't till the 1950s when the digital countdown clock came into existence/use in the NHL. People didn't want to do the math to figure out how much time was remaining in a football or basketball game so they started using the countdown method. The NHL adopted the countdown clock after the NBA and NFL started using it.
  9. The Rags can't beat the Pens, the Pens can't beat the Flyers, and the Flyers can't beat the Rags. Seems like that "vicious cycle" has been going on for 20 years. I think the Pens will pull it out in 6. Now my stomach is upset...
  10. Never ceases to amaze me. Why go into the other team's house and start talking Schitt? Especially in Philly??
  11. I had to follow suit but I will say there was a little subliminal suggestion in the answers!
  12. Use the edit button and get rid of the 3rd person crap and you might have better luck getting people to read it.
  13. Posting in the 3rd person is illegal in HockeyForums.net. I stopped reading when I saw that.
  14. Exactly. Not moving the puck or their feet in 5 on 5 situations either. They need to get Lundquivst moving side to side. The lone goal last night was a perfect example.
  15. @flyercanuck, He's a career AHL-ECHLer. Finally got to play in a couple NHL games. Good for him!
  16. Justin Johnson (Alaskan kid) took on John Scott. The fight was pretty even until Johnson landed a left to Scott's chin. Scott dropped like a sack of potatoes!! http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/24525497/video-justin-johnson-knocks-down-john-scott-with-big-punch-to-chin
  17. Ghost - 1 G, 2 A, Plus 7 in the National Championship game! What a player! Trade him now! His value will never be higher!! (Insert smiley face here)
  18. Thanks, Jack. I didn't know they narrowed it down to 3 finalists. I thought it was 5 or 6. Johnny Gaudreau is from South Jersey so it will be a home town boy (if he wins). That will be something special for him and his family.
  19. I watched the last 3 mins of the game. Dallas pulled the goalie and Brandon Dubinsky was on the ice the whole time and made several good defensive plays. You don't see that too often.
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AIosjhOAjG0
  21. I thought the goalie interference call was very weak. But I agree it could have been avoided.
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