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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. Zemgus Girgensons is the kid that you're thinking of. Sabres picked him at #14.
  2. That really isn't a lot of cap space considering Voracek, Harry Z, Bourdon, & Sestito still need to be signed (they all get a 10% raise per the CBA). Just those 4 players will eat up close to $5 Mil. Then they need a back up goalie. That will cost another ~$1 mil. Now you're down to $5 mil and don't have enough for Parise or Suter. Carle will be the fallback. There might be enough left for an entry level deal for Schultz if he wanted to play for the Flyers.
  3. Justin Schultz is the college player you are referring to. Dude hasn't played a pro game yet. You don't know what you're going to get. IMHO, it is way too risky to let Carle walk and think Schultz can fill his role. Way too risky.
  4. I totally missed this yesterday. Sorry to hear this, Jammer. Hopefully it will only be for 2 weeks.
  5. Dude needs to put on about 75 lbs to fill out his frame. At 150 lbs with gear on he will still look (and probably play) skinny.
  6. If the NHLPA exercises its right to extend this Agreement until 2012, the maximum annual aggregate Paragraph 1 NHL Salary, Signing Bonuses and games played bonuses permitted to be paid to a Group 1 Player shall be U.S. $925,000.
  7. Nice analysis from an outsider (meaning non-Flyer fan).
  8. @jammer2, I did a little research. Here is what I found: 9.3 Entry Level Compensation Limits. (a) The maximum annual aggregate Paragraph 1 NHL Salary, Signing Bonuses and games played bonuses permitted to be paid to a Group 1 Player shall be as follows: Draft Year NHL Compensation 2005 US$ 850,000 2006 US$ 850,000 2007 US$ 875,000 2008 US$ 875,000 2009 US$ 900,000 2010 US$ 900,000 2011 US$ 925,000 (d) Draft-related Unrestricted Free Agents will be subject to the maximum annual aggregate compensation limits set forth in this Section 9.3 applicable in the Entry Draft year immediately preceding the date on which the Player signs his Entry Level SPC. For example, a Draft-related Unrestricted Free Agent Player signed after the date of the 2005 Entry Draft and prior to the 2006 Entry Draft will be subject to the maximum annual aggregate compensation for Players drafted in the 2005 Entry Draft (i.e., $850,000). Such a Player will be subject to all of the other terms and provisions of this Article 9, including without limitation, the terms of Exhibit 5 and the maximum annual Signing Bonus for a Draft-related Unrestricted Free Agent will be limited to 10% of the Player's compensation in any League Year. I think the age is "as of Sept 15". He will be 22 and is required to sign a 2 yr entry level deal.
  9. @jammer2, I'm not a CBA-ologist so I don't know for sure. Maybe NoodlAziz will chime in on this. At any rate, a team would be effing stoopid to sign him for $5 mil a year. He hasn't played one pro game yet.
  10. Even though Schultz is highly sought after, he will be signed to an entry level deal. He probably wouldn't be too expensive. That said, I think Carle comes back.
  11. He has a huge upside for filling out!!
  12. That makes 3 Staals in the Canes organization. The youngest (his name escapes me right now) plays for their AHL team.
  13. @hf101, Don't forget that Clemensen carried the Devils a couple years ago when Brodeur went down with an arm injury.
  14. @NoodleAziz, Rod is not a rocket scientist or anything. Wait, maybe he is...
  15. I'm going to have to disagree with you on Montoya. He sucks! I had the dis-pleasure of watching him play down here for 3 yrs. He was traded (AHL trade) to the Islanders farm team and benefited on other guy's injuries. He won 10 or 15 games at the end of the season when teams were not playing all out. I would rather have Conklin or Clemenson off that list.
  16. The Avs have $40 MM available in cap space for next year. That is not a typo...$40 million. You would have to sign Johnson to a huge offer sheet to pry him away from them.
  17. I think you meant to say the "Defense" rests it's case.
  18. As do I. I love this comment coming from Eklund..."Jimmy Stizzle (judge his validity on your own) reported that..." LOL
  19. It's way more complicated. Apparently, he had an INFECTIONED BROKED FOOTA
  20. My point exactly. Everyone thinks of the offensive zone. When you can't breakout of your own zone you have bigger, more complicated problems. Now I'm being redundant.
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