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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. @jammer2, I believe it is your turn to post a new mask.
  2. Ouch! He had emergency surgery for a depressed skull fracture. I think they were picking up some teeth at the end of that clip. I voted "I'm Not Sure". I don't like to see guys getting hurt, but I don't want hockey to turn into basketball. Geoffrion had his head up all the way on the play. How could he not see that hit coming?!?
  3. Ding Ding Ding!!! Last time I gave a hint I made it too easy. I didn't want this one to be that way!
  4. Hint: He injured his knee as a junior and had knee surgery.
  5. @hf101, Nice trickeration!! Tomas Vokoun hasn't donned the Penguins sweater yet because he was just signed over the summer.
  6. Bingo! He only played in 2 NHL games. (sorry for the delayed response. I check in last night around 9pm and there were no responses)
  7. No guesses? Here's a hint. He was born March 29, 1981.
  8. @Podein25 Yes, the sweater was a good hint. My turn to post one now.
  9. Please, Please, Please Bryz! You can stay in the KHL!!! http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=406898
  10. They were showing that on ESPN Sportscenter a few days ago.
  11. I've seen Kadri play several times. He may have talent but I think he's lazy. Never seems to be working hard. Probably why he's still in the AHL.
  12. He's just pissed that the Red Wings got out bid.
  13. Well, if the owners get their way on the CBA, amnesty buyouts could work in their favor. They can buyout a player and lower their team's cap number.
  14. There had to be something in his contract to allow the trade to go through, otherwise the league/NHLPA would not have allowed it, don't you think??
  15. A mule kick might be getting off easy!!
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