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Everything posted by AlaskaFlyerFan

  1. You were just stirring the pot, weren't you?
  2. Pretty scary situation. The video is poor quality but the hit doesn't look all that bad.
  3. As much as I'd like to see Seth Jones wearing Orange & Black, I think this may be an unrealistic expectation and a little premature. The Flyers are only 3 pts out of the playoffs right now and there is almost 3/4 of the season remaining. Plus, Hartnell & Mezaros will be returning from injury. That will surely give the team a boost. 3 pts, and we all saw last year (and 2010) you just have to get in. Back away from the ledge, at least for a little while.
  4. I'm impressed that they allow you to have beer at a high school game!
  5. Until they make the wear of other protective gear mandatory, then I say no. This would be my list and no "grandfather" clause. Helmets at all times including warmups with the chin strar tight enough so the helmet won't come off. Half Shield Foot/Skate protector Kevlar under garments (long sleeve shirt, long leg pants, socks) Mouthpiece
  6. Karlsson had surgery today. Report is that the achillies tendon was lacerated 70% through. It was a clean cut (which I believe is easier to repair and has a better long term prognosis). He will be out for 3-4 months. His season is over (if there was nay doubt).
  7. Nobody going to guess? Here's a hint: He played for Winnepeg! LOL
  8. That's effing hilarious!!
  9. Cooke's reputation precedes him on this play. Why was his foot off the ice? Was he trying to use his leg to corral Karlsson? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I can't say whether it was intentional but It raises my suspicion.
  10. He must have sat on the same end of the bench that Leighton was sitting on!
  11. Holy Jumpin!! There are 63 of his fights on that link. Does Mathers do anything besides fight?
  12. Larger pads make it more difficult to move around in the Lunar Landing Space Ship.
  13. And here is a perfect example of that. Both of these guys hit the ice with their knees and got back up swinging.
  14. @fishbulb, Players try to tie up the opponent's stick all the time, even after the shot or pass. Stop the video at :30 mark, Dillon just released the puck. Look at the position of Dillon's feet, they are almost parallel with the side boards. That is when Staubitz comes in with the stick. A split second later, Dillon's feet are now perpendicular to the side boards and Staubitz' stick is now between the legs. It is quite possible that this was just incidental. It is also quite possible that this is retaliation for the incident against Perry. Apparently you see this as intentional...From looking at the video, I can't determine if this was intentional.
  15. Looks like Tim Thomas is spending too much time on the beach!
  16. 62.1 Spearing - Spearing shall mean stabbing an opponent with the point of the stick blade, whether contact is made or not. My initial thought is that was not a spear and I'm not so sure that Staubitz intended to do that. The puck was being played by the D-man and it looked to me like Staubitz was trying to lift the other guy's stick. Looking at his reaction immediately after, he looked surprised that it happened and was pleading his case to the referee as he was being led off the ice. It should have been called a slash. Watching the highlights from that game, this was not the 1st time that kind of stick work occured. Shortly before this incident, Robidas did the same thing to Perry when the puck was nowhere near either player. Perry went down momentarily, then got up and chased down Robidas. A fight ensued. No penalty was called on Robidas. Putting both incidents together, Staubitz may have been returning the favor. Maybe his reaction that I previously thought was surprise, was more of an "eye for an eye" message to Dallas. I would think that if the NHL took action on Staubitz, they would have to take the same action on Robidas. I don't see that happening. A warning to both players is sufficient in my eyes. Franzen had intent behind his spear. He used the the blade of his stick to hit Perron with a stabbing motion. He should have been fined or suspended.
  17. This is a great article to explain the AHL Age limit. It actually doesn't have anything to do with the AHL. Read on... http://prospectsannex.blogspot.com/2010/04/nhlchl-agreement-why-juniors-have-to-be.html NHL/CHL agreement: Why juniors have to be 20 to play in the AHL Here's something I wrote up a couple years ago, but it's pertinent every year at this time, so I'll repost it. There's a good bit of confusion about the rules surrounding junior players because they're not in the NHL Collective Bargaining Agreement, something everyone can access. The rules are in a private agreement between the NHL and CHL (Canadian Hockey League, made up of the QMJHL, OHL and WHL). A lot of people think the AHL has a rule that someone has to be 20 to play there. Common misconception. It's not a rule made by the AHL. If it were up to them, they would take everyone over 18. Officially that's the AHL's policy in fact. The NHL/CHL agreement states that a player with junior eligibility signed by an NHL team must be returned to his junior team if he's not playing in the NHL. It's part of a deal that provides CHL money for players produced (sort of like the IIHF agreement between the NHL and European countries). The NHL agrees to send the teenagers back because CHL needs these players - its top players -- to make money. If the CHL didn't make money, they couldn't produce players. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Specifically, the rule says that if a player played in junior before they were drafted by the NHL, then they have to either be 20 years old by Dec. 31 OR have played four years of junior in order to play in the minors . That second condition rarely comes into effect. It would only apply to players who began in the CHL at age 15. Players who are not drafted from the CHL, like NCAA and European players, aren't held to these rules. Players who were drafted out of Europe and then play in the CHL later, can play in the minors under the age of 20. European players drafted out of the CHL are held to it. Nationality is not part of the equation -- it's where you were drafted from (which league developed you). In the long run, it's probably helpful for the prospects' development as people to stay in junior a bit longer. Teenagers are better off living with billet families instead of on their own, far from home. One issue that keeps coming up is that some players are clearly ready to move on from the CHL, but not quite ready for the NHL. They end up playing junior, but it's hard to keep them challenged or motivated in that final year. Normally this rule means that players play two more years of junior after being drafted before they turn pro. There are two exceptions - the really talented who make the NHL at 18 or 19, and those lucky enough to be born between Sept. 15 and Dec. 31. Those lucky fall birthday players were the oldest in their draft class (a player must be 18 by the year of their draft to be eligible), and are old enough that they only have to play one more year of junior after their selection, then can move to the minors. And on a related topic, CHL players are eligible to play in the AHL once their junior season is over even if they don't yet meet the age criteria listed above. So you could see 18 and 19-year-old juniors in the AHL late in the season. They can and do return to junior the next year. Also important to note: if a junior player is returned to the CHL before he plays 10 games in the NHL (or AHL) in a given season, the year does not count towards the player's entry-level contract and the contract itself does not count towards the team's 50-contract limit. The team has to make a decision to keep or return him before game 10 starts.
  18. Maybe because you're looking in/posting in the Flyers forum instead of the Islanders, Bruins, or Rumors & Trades forum?!? EDIT: I didn't mean this to sound so harsh.
  19. Simmonds skated today and said he felt pretty good. He still needs to be cleared for contact but this is a good sign. http://www.csnphilly.com/hockey-philadelphia-flyers/flyers-simmonds-practices-return-date-uncertain
  20. I wouldn't give you a steaming pile of two already digested hot dogs and a pop for him! You can keep him!!
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