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Chicago Hawkie

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Posts posted by Chicago Hawkie

  1. Quack quack!  It's time to meet the Anaheim Ducks!  :D


    I don't have a lot of time to post right now because I had to get some things done after work today (but I'll be back shortly before the game starts and during the first intermission before I have to go to bed and get up for work tomorrow).


    I'll just say this will be a tough one for the Hawks because last night's loss to the Wild was our 2nd in a row and the Hawks could not beat the Ducks last season.


    I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow, but the fact is ... I have to work two weekends on a row ... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -urns (I'm getting a little Simpsons-esque there)!

  2. @goalnut3133


    "I picked Hawks to win in Pick 'Em.  Looking forward to this match-up!  Wild is another of my fave teams to watch, esp Harding & Parise."


    Maybe the Hawks will become a favorite team for you, too ... :lol: .  I am looking forward to this game!


    It's hard to say how this one will turn out.  The Hawks have been kind of mediocre against teams in their division, but have done well against the Pacific division.

  3. It's Round 3 of a new divisional rivalry!  The series is tied at one game apiece, but that will soon change.


    One of my favorite lines as the series was being previewed (Can't remember whether it was David Kaplan of SportsTalk Live or Hawks broadcaster Pat Foley or someone else entirely)  who noted that the Wild defensive pairing of Matt Dumba and Clayton Stoner sounded "like college roommates".  :lol:

  4. Bummer ...


    The Hawks made a valiant comeback attempt, but could not complete it.  Antoine Roussel scored on a penalty shot in the 3rd period to put the Stars ahead for good.  Roussel, of course, threw down with Andrew Shaw at center ice in the 1st period.


    Unfortunately, the Hawks could not capitalize on a 5-3 in the 3rd period.

  5. @jammer2


    "Alain is a big drama queen."


    :lol:   You can say that again.  I remember back in Dec. 2010 when he was complaining about the Hawks running up the score in a game that the Hawks won 7-1.  That season (2010-2011) was also the one where Dave Bolland made his famous statement about the Sedin "sisters" who "probably sleep in bunk beds".


    The Hawks-Canucks rivalry was lit up like a Christmas tree back then, but I remember all too well how that season ended for the Hawks in the first round vs. the Canucks.

    • Like 1
  6. Hawks down 2-0 after one


    I hope this isn't a letdown, but I can see how the first game back home can turn out this way after a long road trip like that Circus Trip that the Hawks finished Saturday.


    Stars rookies Valeri Nichushkin and Alex Chiasson scored the goals.


    Andrew Shaw and Antoine Roussel squared off like rock 'em sock 'em robots at center ice with 5 minutes to go in the period.  Shaw was looking to teach Roussel a lesson after Roussel was running around like a maniac in the previous game and taking liberties.

  7. @goalnut3133


    I'm looking forward to both of these games!


    Minnesota will be a tough opponent, I think.  Harding had some good games vs. the Hawks in the playoffs last year, IMO.


    Sorry to hear about your game against Smashville ( :lol: ) ... the Predators are hard to gauge, but I won't forget them hammering my Hawks 7-2. :o

  8. It's Round 3 for the Hawks and Stars tomorrow night.  The Hawks won both games thus far, both of them being in Big D.  The most recent game, however, ended up in a shootout that seemed like it would go on forever.


    It's the Hawks' first home game in over two weeks!

  9. @goalnut3133


    I think the Hawks will do fine vs. the Blues now.   :)   Earlier in this season, it seemed like the Hawks were trying to come together as a team after an off-season break that was too short.  The Circus Trip allowed them all to come together as a team and roll out 4 lines.


    The thing I've noticed about Raanta is that nothing seems to faze him ... he could have the entire opposing team right in front of him and it doesn't seem to bother him.

    • Like 1
  10. Hawks win 5-2 to end Circus Trip


    The Hawks ended their Circus Trip with 6 straight wins.  Five different Hawks scored in this game.  That's a trend that I've noticed lately - balanced scoring.  Antti Raanta, the Hawks' backup goalie, is looking a lot like Antti Niemi when he was a Blackhawk.

  11. Hawks' discipline going south as Coyotes make it close


    Johnny Oduya took two penalties in the second period and Nik Hjalmarsson's unsportsmanlike penalty (because he couldn't stop chirping) cost the Hawks as the Coyotes narrowed the Hawks' lead.


    Antti Raanta (who at times is reminding me a lot of a certain former Hawks' goalie named Antti ;) ) is having a good game but he can't be expected to bail us out all the time because we're taking up residence in the penalty box.

  12. @Rink Rat


    I know the feeling.  On workdays, I have to get up early to catch the bus and get to work at 7AM (I don't drive), so most of the time, I can only watch some of the game and DVR the rest, then try to watch the rest as I am getting ready for work and having breakfast.  If I can't get the rest of the game on before I leave for work, I have to make sure my coworkers don't spoil it for me.  :lol:

  13. Hawks lead 3-0 after one!  Awooooooooooo Awoooooooooooooooooooo Awoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!


    Three different Hawks scored to put us up 3-0, to the delight of the many howling Hawks fans at Jobing.com Arena in Phoenix.  It sounds almost like a Hawks home game, and Mike Smith is proving to be mortal!


    Kane, Shaw, and Hjalmarsson scored the goals.  The Coyotes have gotten into penalty trouble, which has benefitted the Hawks.

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