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DinahMoeHumm last won the day on August 29 2012

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About DinahMoeHumm

  • Birthday 04/03/1972

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  1. I've always liked Scuds (aka "The Piece"). Maybe a touch high on the price tag, but I'll take it. Steady, stay-at-home defenseman. Pair him with Letang to cover the defensive lapses...
  2. Hartzell? I thought that was a pretty odd move at the time, but maybe there's more to it...
  3. Well, since we know Disco doesn't have the stones to sit Malkin, I'd be in favor of putting Iginla up on Crosby's line and moving Kunitz down with Malkin and Neal. That line was deadly last year, and Malkin does well with a guy like Kunitz on his line. That said, Malkin needs to get his head together. And he's SO easily rattled these days. And as much as I've ragged on him this year, I'd like to see TK in the lineup for game five. He can match NYI's speed, and he plays a simple North-South game. Fancy stuff is the LAST thing we need more of right now... Malkin's blind passes are a perfect example of that.
  4. I said it last year during/after the series against the Flyers, and I'll say it again this year... Fleury may be bad (which, yes, he's been terrible), but Bylsma just doesn't seem to be able to adjust. It happened last year against Philly, and it's happening all over again. The Islanders made adjustments, found something that works, and they're going to keep running it unless it stops working. It's up to Bylsma to make it stop working! That's his job! So, as bad as Fleury's been, Bylsma needs to right this thing, and quickly.
  5. Agreed 100% Let's hope he doesn't see much ice time...
  6. It's times like these that I struggle to not lose complete faith in humanity. What an absolute atrocity! Not only have families been ripped apart and traumatized, but as citizens we once again have fear and apprehension return to the forefront of our consciousness. As if the death and destruction were not enough, just as with Sandy Hook, we'll probably also see more of our freedoms in jeopardy as our government acts in knee-jerk fashion to "save us from ourselves." But that's another matter entirely. My heart goes out to all of the victims of this terrible event. I cannot even imagine what they must be going through. I am not a violent person by nature, though I can't help but agree with the OP's sentiments... torture 'til death. Two wrongs may not make a right, but they can certainly teach a valuable lesson for other would-be d|ckb@gs who may have similar ideas. Worthless cowards!
  7. It's all a bunch of nothing, in my opinion. A bunch of media hacks (as @Phillygrump appropriately put it) trying to stir up controversy and get some panties in a bunch. That being said, I did find this comment after the article pretty funny... La lala La lala La lala.......................... In the meeting, the Flyers meeting, the Breezer sleeps tonight.. In the meeting, it bears repeating, the Breezer sleeps tonight... Ha ha Aweem Away....Aweem Away..Aweem Away .Aweem Away....
  8. I agree that Murray had to lose the helmet because of the rules. However, that doesn't excuse Crombeen from being a complete chode... especially since he's the one that initiated it in the first place.
  9. I thought this line from thepensblog.com was funny: "Bylsma decided to throw Tanner Glass out there to see if the son of a bitch could score a goal, and he did." I agree. The lineup looked way better tonight. And damn, how good a pickup has Juicy been? That deflection he had off the Murray shot was sick! He and Morrow seem to work well together, too. @Polaris922 mentioned Crombeen not losing his lid for the fight with Murray. I couldn't agree more. Totally gutless move. Murray sledgehammered his @$$ anyway, though. Good game overall!
  10. Why would Nashville trade Weber now? Maybe I'm off base, but weren't they paying him a huge chunk of change from that contract in the first year? That's a seriously expensive "rental" if they dish out that cheese and keep him for one year rather than just letting him go via the offer sheet and running off with the picks.
  11. Haha! Is that in reference to European Vacation? "It's just a flesh wound. I'll just pop into the chemist."
  12. Pretty grisly stuff. Hope the kid's ok! Eric Wellwood, a Philadelphia Flyers prospect, was cut by a skate in an AHL game Sunday. This is what his skate looked like afterwards. via@DannySyvret
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