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flyerrod last won the day on April 30

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  1. Yeah but that was to celebrate Sanchez throwing a complete game shutout……
  2. They traded with the wild and added a 3 rd rounder next year
  3. Sergei’s first quote after the game will be “I want to thank the Flyers for trading me away from a truly mediocre team “. All kidding aside, Bob is so far into the Oilers heads when not only his outstanding performance is laced with Hasek type luck but the injured Oilers have nothing left in the tank. Short of someone flat out skating directly into and taking Bob out of the game, this series is truly over.
  4. I am picking the Panthers in six because Bob will stick yet another fork in the Flyers for dumping him. In all seriousness though, I think Tkachuk is going to be a serious pain the butt for McDavid and make his life on ice miserable. Not a fan of his but he does have that get under your skin Claude Lemieux prickery that WILL throw McDavid off his game, especially if he is not fully healthy.
  5. That is quite the drooling proposition…….
  6. It’s sativa unless my gummies are lying to me…..
  7. The rumors I was reading were TK and Ristoleinin for Zegras…..
  8. Tkachuk playing his game in philly would lead to him leading the nhl……in penalty minutes……
  9. Sorry I thought you were referring to Al as a homer while ignoring Mr Edwards master class lessons on homerisms. All good home broadcasters have a little bit of homer in them just not too much. Brian Boucher is probably one of the best in the game for impartiality. Tripp Tracy is pretty good too.
  10. After years of Jack Edwards calling games for the Bruins, you are claiming someone else was more of a homer?!?!? I hated listening to that guy call games. He made Steve Coates seem impartial…..and yes I am a Flyer fan.
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