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NHL 36 with Mike Richards




Just found this link to NHL 36 featuring Mike Richards in case anyone missed it or doesn't have NHL Network. I love this program, it's really cool to get a behind the scene glimpse of the NHL elite.

Some highlights:

- A program coordinator doesn't recognize Richards at his interview, proving his point of less recognition in LA as compared to Philly (He seems to be embracing the quieter role in LA).

- A sushi dinner with Doughty and Lewis in which it takes the crew 20 minutes to realize Andrei Loktionov is sitting two tables away.

- A nice scene of Richards party lifestyle: a solo misson to Cold Stone Creamery and feeding his leftovers to his dog.

- And finally a closing sequence that calls out a slumping LA Kings team for "not working hard enough". Harsh, NHL Network, Harsh.

Definitely check this show out, it's very indicative of the 24/7 style, which has a great cinematographic approach and engaging story lines.


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I've seen the others. All about the same. Some are better though.

Richards is a quiet guy so it wasn't anything earth shattering.

He gets a real bad wrap in Philly but I'm not sure it was all 100% deserved.

My guess is that if Carter and Richards were separated from the beginning, Richards would still be the Flyers captain.

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My guess is that if Carter and Richards were separated from the beginning, Richards would still be the Flyers captain.

That's an interesting point, you're probably right. I think we'll get a real glimpse of potential problems or lack-there-of in the next few seasons with the Kings.

Regardless, I really enjoy any programming or inside looks at one of my favorite players, so this episode was a real treat for me. Like you said, nothing earth shattering, but still very cool to me.

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